French Binational

Sophie Oldfield

Science Binational Teacher


In Science, 7F Binational students have been learning about motion and speed of a moving object.  To explore these concepts further, they investigated the speed of small pull-back toy cars. Students worked in groups, designed and tested their experiment as a team, then concluded on the actual speed of their car! 


This activity enabled them to demonstrate their inquiry skills (compétences) at every stage of the process. Well done to 7F for their team work to solve this problem.


Recently, over two days, and owing to the AEFE network which Auburn High School belongs to, Geneviève Papon and myself had the wonderful opportunity to work collaboratively with two Science expert teachers (Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre & Physique-Chimie) who had travelled from the International School in Singapore (formerly Lycée français de Singapour) on this occasion.  They shared their expertise and knowledge about the current French curriculum for Science in Cycle 4 (equivalent to our Year 7, 8, 9 Binational classes).  We spent considerable time reviewing our curriculum and practice to closely follow the recommendations and guidelines of the French Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale, including how to include compétences (inquiry skills) in our day-to-day practice.  This type of professional learning opportunity is always enriching, but also essential to the continuing growth of our French Binational Program at AHS.