Working Bee

Kristie Satilmis

An invitation from the Friends of AHS: Working Bee July 24th


Dear families,


As you have probably noticed, we have been updating and renovating the school campus over the past 2-3 years.  This is part of a long-term project that is intended to enhance the daily school experience for our current and future students.


We have just completed an important stage of the campus upgrades with the completion of our new heating/ cooling system and roof replacement. The canteen courtyard has been out of bounds for the past two years as it was being used by the builders as a site compound. We’d like to improve upon the courtyard clean up conducted by the builders with some further tidying up of our own.


We are going to need some help, so, we are organising our first Working Bee since the early days of our new school.  Date:  Sunday, 24th July.  Time:  9am – 1pm.  We need volunteers and the loan of some extra gardening tools.


Working bees are a great way of getting involved with the school and meeting members of other families.


Please join us for as long as you are able to attend and please bring along anything that might help:  gardening gloves and tools, an angle grinder.  There will be snacks and refreshments to look forward to afterwards… as well as a bit of socialising with fellow members of our school community.


Please indicate whether you’re able to help out using this form here. If you'd like to get involved with the FoAHS in other ways we'd love to hear from you as well.


Thanks in advance and hope to see you there,


Craig Ots-Maher (Friends of AHS), Alex Goldhagen (AHS School Council) & Kristie Satilmis (Assistant Principal).