From the Assistant Principal

Years 7-9

Kristie Satilmis

Working bee invitation and Buildings and Grounds update

You might have seen the newsfeed post sent to families last week on behalf of the Friends of AHS, who are holding the first working bee held at AHS since the earliest days of our new school.  We would be very grateful for even an hour of your time if you’re able to come down and pitch in with some weeding, planting and rearranging of the canteen courtyard area and share in a cuppa, snacks and a chat with other AHS families.

Where?  Canteen courtyard (Burgess St side)

When?  9am-1pm Sunday July 24th

Please indicate whether you’re able to help out using this form here.

If you'd like to get involved with the FoAHS in other ways we'd love to hear from you as well.

On behalf of the school, huge thanks in advance to AHS parents Craig Ots-Maher and Alex Goldhagen for coordinating the event and to everyone who comes along to take part!

The school was bustling with activity over the holidays, with multiple trades coming in to complete works for us:

  • Canteen courtyard:  The builders have finished at last and have removed their equipment from the canteen courtyard area.  This area will be the focus of our upcoming working bee as it needs a bit of TLC after the rigours of the past two years!
  • Cleaning:  a thorough clean was conducted throughout the building. A reminder that chewing gum is not permitted at school,
  • VCE Centre, Science Common, the Tardis and a number of 2nd  floor classrooms received a fresh coat of paint,
  • Drama room floor replacement  works are well underway but unfortunately couldn’t be finished before the start of term.  We expect to have students treading the new boards in there by the end of week 3,
  • Lighting upgrade:  100’s of fluorescent lights were replaced with energy efficient LEDs throughout the entire building, including the dining room and gym,
  • Reverse cycle air conditioners and heating cassettes have been reinstated in the library area and VCE Centre.

Project Rockit

As part of their Education for Life program, students across Year 7 – 10 attended targeted year level workshops facilitated by Project Rockit this week.  The workshops aim to reinforce the positive messaging around our school values of Diversity and Respect in face to face and online interactions with others.  A remote evening session for parents/carers will be held next week to help support these important discussions at home.  d.  Some info about Project Rockit below for your reference:

PROJECT ROCKIT is Australia's youth-driven movement against bullying, hate and prejudice.  Their youth-led workshops have reached over 500,000 young people across the country, empowering students to stand up against bullying, instead of standing by.  Their strengths-based workshops have a strong focus on setting up positive norms and providing young people with proactive strategies to keep themselves and others safe, connected and supported on and offline.  They aim to raise students' social and self-awareness and create an environment where diversity is celebrated, so that every young person can thrive and reach their full potential.


PROJECT ROCKIT sits on Facebook’s Global Safety Board, Twitter’s Global Trust and Safety Council and they are certified by the Office of the eSafety Commissioner as a Trusted eSafety Provider.

Join us at 5.00pm on Wednesday 27th July to discuss social media, cyberbullying, and tips for empowering young people to have positive experiences online. PROJECT ROCKIT is Australia's youth driven movement against bullying, hate and prejudice. Their Lead Team Coordinators will be hosting a live webinar to share insights from running workshops with students around the country, sharing PROJECT ROCKIT's strengths-based approach that empowers students to take action when they see cyberbullying happen.  You'll be taken through an overview of key social media platforms, insight into the opportunities and risks of young people being online, proactive and reactive strategies to share with young people and promoting healthy online use.  The webinar duration is one hour plus 15 minutes for Q&A, and the link for parents and teachers to register can be found below.  Link:


Congratulations to Craig McPherson and his 9C Humanities class on their outstanding work on the Positive Ageing Digital Storytelling Intergenerational Project last term.  AHS has been fortunate enough to participate in this wonderful initiative for many years.  PADSIP is a community project focused on providing an opportunity for meaningful interaction between younger students and older participants.  The participants work together to develop and share stories through inter-generational collaboration and produce a three minute life story in Video Digital Story format.  9C’s project culminated last week with a remote presentation afternoon with the older participants.  Well done to all involved!  We look forward to sharing some of the videos via our Facebook page in the days ahead.