Wellbeing News

Equine Program

For a second term we have been running an Equine group here at the school.

Each Wednesday a group of year 10’s make their way to Racing Hearts in Moorooduc to engage in a fantastic program that is centred around interacting with horses, (mostly retired race horses).


We are grateful to the Youth Shire for providing a support person to come along and drive their bus to get us all there and back safely.

Our students seem to be loving the program and getting some keen insights from the program.

I must admit, I have gained some great insights in the area of self-regulation. Who knew horses were so smart!


The group, me included, look forward to each Wednesday’s new equine adventure.


Jon Gibson

Wellbeing Chaplain

Koorie Emerging Leadership in Schools Day

Students from Mornington Secondary went to Rosebud Secondary to participate in the Koorie Emerging Leadership in Schools day.


It was a great day, with the focus being cultural connection, leadership and social and emotional wellbeing.


Bronwen Hocking

Student Wellbeing Counsellor

Camp Manyung - Leadership Camp

Please find attached a flyer with information regarding a Koorie Leadership Camp.


Headspace now have a Work and Study Program (online, free and voluntary) whereby young people can be linked with a mentor who will support them for 3 months or longer (if needed) in regards to getting a job or starting a career pathway etc. If young people have a mental illness and are finding getting work is challenging, this is a great service for them. They don’t have to have a mental illness however.


For more information visit:
