Year 7

Year 7 Camp to Mt Summit

On July 11th – July 13th Year 7 students attended the Summit camp. 


The students were welcomed by their team leader Steph, and the Five Keys were shared with the students, as they are the ingredients for a great camp. As the students were shown to the stage, we went straight into their groups.  Students were taught about setting ‘targets, stretches and super stretches’ to help them break down activities that might feel overwhelming. Two activity rotations were run and then the students had some free time before dinner! 


On day two we started the day off with an intention session where the students were asked to think about who they wanted to be for that day and what that looked like. After three massive rotations, the students got to have lunch and relax. Once lunch was complete, students changed into their monster attire, we ran them through the last rotation for the day.  It was time to begin the Monster Course, and the students were ready; they smashed their time on their first lap. Little did they realize that the true test of resilience and grit was doing the Monster lap twice, the winner of the Monster Course was the tribe with the best improvement time, comparing their first lap to their second! All teams improved their time by at least 2 mins, well done!


On the last day there were a lot of tired faces at camp.


We set a quick intention as they only had two more rotations to go, and they didn’t want to go home wondering ‘what if’.  The students then reported to the stage to do the final game, students got their bodies moving with a game of ‘Huckle Buckle’ on the volleyball court.


After the last two rotations had been completed, the tribes got to reflect on their camp experience with each other and then proceeded to choose a Values Winner for their tribe, someone who embodied the 5 Keys consistently throughout camp. 


The activities students participated in were the Snowy River Challenge, Flying Fox, Giant Swing, Leap of Faith, Rock-wall, Inflatables, Laser Skirmish and Summit Window. The last event was the tank ride and this was for each tribes Values Winner. 


Congratulations to the amazing effort put in by all students.  It was so fantastic to see everyone giving everything a go, meeting new friends and trying their best.

Parent Meet and Greet

It was wonderful to finally be able to hold our Meet and Greet night for Year 7 parents at the end of last term.


Parents and students braved the cold conditions to mix with staff and enjoy some lovely refreshments followed by a presentation.

The night was a great success and is always a fantastic opportunity for parents and teachers to meet in a casual environment.



Joanne Reeman

Year 7 Leader