
Rethink, reduce, reuse and recycle

There is more to waste than what we throw away. We are looking to create a strategy that changes the way we look at waste and create a more sustainable Yarra.


Every year more than 80 billion tonnes of raw materials like metal, cardboard and plastics are consumed worldwide. That's set to double by 2060. Right now, only 9% of that raw material is reused and recycled. This is because our current waste system struggles to do much with our materials after it's thrown it away.


In line with our Council Plan and State Government policy, we’re working to reduce waste at each step, from design and purchasing to use and disposal creating a circular economy.


To support this transition, we’re developing Yarra’s Circular Economy Strategy 2022/30 and action plan that will guide our work on waste for the next 8 years.


Find out more and give your insights here: