Administrator Update

Northlea is Proud to be an OPAL School
Newsletter Updates
The Administrator Update, Identity Months and The Dates to Remember sections have been updated with new information.
Stay Connected with Northlea
Be sure to follow us on Twitter @NorthleaTDSB. You can also check out our website at
The Little Mermaid Musical
The curtain will rise this week! We can't wait to invite families to see this year's musical - The Little Mermaid. The performances will take place at 7 pm on April 30th, May 1st and May 2nd. The actors, stage crew, set designers, make-up team and staff directors are working diligently to bring an excellent production to the Northlea community. Tickets are available in the main office.
Jump Rope for Heart
We have a wonderful day of activities planned for Tuesday, May 7th, 2019. Thank you also to Ms. Zaharia for her leadership.
Music Monday
This year we have something special in store for Music Monday. Grade 1’s and 2’s will be performing a vocal concert at Northlea in the North gym on the morning of Monday May 6th, 2019 as part of Music Monday, an event celebrated in schools across Canada that supports music education. This is a wonderful opportunity for these students to share with you all of the progress they have made this year in music. The Grade 1 choir will perform at approximately 9:10am and the Grade 2 choir will perform at 10:00am.
Athletics Update
Grade 7/8 Co-ed Volleyball: They are champs once again! The Grade 8 Co-ed Volleyball team went 13-1 throughout the Co-ed Volleyball season and finished the season on an absolute tear by winning the North Conference Championship! It was great to see the boys and girls from both of Northlea's volleyball teams cooperate so seamlessly on the court. This group of students was a pleasure to coach and deserved every ounce of their success. Go Northlea!
Grade 5/6 & 7/8 Slo-Pitch: Try-outs for both the Grade 5/6 and Grade 7/8 Girls and Boys Slo-Pitch teams are underway! The Grade 5/6s finished their first tryout last week and are looking forward to getting some batting practice in at Leaside HS later this week (check the Northlea calendar for further details). The Grade 7 8 Boys and Girls teams are having their first tryout Monday morning at Northlea. They will be having a second offensive tryout at Leaside HS later in the week. Stay tuned for further details.
Ultimate Frisbee: Try-outs for the Grade 5/6 & 87/ Coed Ultimate Frisbee teams have been taking place over the past couple of weeks. Final team lists will be shared with the students by the end of this week. Tournament details are still to be determined.
Track and Field: It's official, Track and Field season is here! Our Grade 4-8 students braved some tough weather conditions this past Wednesday at Leaside HS for Northlea's 2019 Track and Field tryouts. Mr. Ellis and Ms. Cioban are working to consolidate the results of the try-outs and are looking to share them by Wednesday of this week.
Yonge Eglinton Program Area Review on Hold
During the second meeting of the Yonge-Eglinton Phase 2 Program Area Review Team (PART), it was decided to suspend the process until the fall. During the staff presentation it was explained that as the TDSB’s Planning and Staffing departments work to accommodate the new class size requirements mandated by the Ministry of Education, the scope of the PART needs to be expanded. All active reviews are now to consider secondary properties as opportunities to address accommodation pressures. It was also decided, however, to continue with one of the recommendations - as development in the Yonge-Eglinton area continues to grow at an accelerated pace, and a short-term accommodation solution is required to address continued accommodation pressures at Eglinton Jr PS.
A redirection of the portion of the Eglinton Jr PS and Hodgson MS junior and intermediate attendance areas located south of Fairfield Road, east of Cardiff Road, north of Eglinton Avenue East, and west of Bayview Avenue to Northlea E & MS from Eglinton Jr PS is being considered. A Boundary Review has now been established to analyze this option and consult with the affected school communities before a final decision is made.
The presentation from the second PART meeting can be found on TDSB’s website: Under ‘Program Accommodation Reviews’, select: Bedford Park PS, Eglinton Jr PS, Glenview Sr PS, Hodgson MS, John Fisher Jr PS, Northlea E and MS- Presentation Meeting #2.
The information that will be shared at the public meeting for the boundary change will be under Boundary Reviews, select: Eglinton Jr PS, Hodgson MS, and Northlea E and MS. The public meeting date will be confirmed shortly
Parenting Series: Raising Resilient Children - PRO Grant
Track and Field
Our Northlea Track and Field events at Leaside Secondary were a huge success. Thank you to the volunteer parents, staff and students for their enthusiastic efforts on Wednesday, April 24th. Also thank you to Leaside Secondary for sharing their wonderful space with us.
Our make-up date for those students who were not able to attend will be Tuesday, April 30 as follows:
Tues., April 30, 2019 - 7:45 am - Gr. 4, 5 & 6 running long jump - Northlea sand pit
Tues., April 30, 2019 - 11:40 am (lunch time) - Gr. 4, 5 & 6 standing long jump- Northlea sand pit
Tues., April 30, 2019 - 11:40 am - Gr. 4, 5 & 6 running long jump - Northlea sand pit
Tues., April 30, 2019 - 800 m run - Gr. 4, 5 & 6 (during lunch break: 11:35am to 12:30pm) – Toronto Rehab Institute (off Glenvale @ Sutherland).
The school-based G. 4 - 8 tryouts are coming to a close and Mr. Ellis and Mr. Benedict are entering the participants names into the TDESAA database early next week.
A comprehensive list of track athletes will be shared with parents for the event on May 9th at the area qualifier at Esther Shiner Stadium, which is an all-day event.
The North Conference Championship is set for May 31st, details to follow.
Ujaama Career Conference
Grade 8 Trip - Parent Information Evening
We invite all parents of Grade 8 students to join us for an information evening about the Grade 8 trip on Monday, April 29th at 6:30 PM.
EQAO Parent Information Evening
Parents of students in Grades 3 and 6 are invited to attend a parent information evening about EQAO on Tuesday, May 7th at 6:30 PM.
Bingo @ Northlea
Toronto's Annual Spring Clean-Up
Toronto’s Annual Spring Cleanup took place this past weekend from April 26-28, 2019. Northlea joined 200,000 residents, students, businesses, organizations and community groups for the 16th annual city-wide cleanup of public space. As part of the City of Toronto Clean up day, our Healthy Eco Pals organized a Northlea School Yard Clean-Up Day this past Friday from 2:45 - 3:30. It was wonderful to see our students mobilize and make our school yard a cleaner place.
Reminders about Device Usage at Northlea
1) Students accessing the wireless network with any device are reminded that they must at all times abide by the TDSB Code of Internet Use. Students may only use electronic equipment in the classroom. Devices are not permitted to be used in the halls or in other areas of the school including the schoolyard. The use is for educational purposes only and subject to the discretion and direction of the teacher.
2) Students in Grades five to eight are permitted to bring in computers for use in school after discussion and agreement with their parents and teachers. They are reminded that they are solely responsible for their equipment; the school cannot be responsible for lost or stolen devices, nor do we have storage facilities.
3) Students are expected to put any electronic devices in their locker for safe keeping while they are being used at school.
4) Students in Grade four may bring in a device to support their learning only after consultation with parents and their classroom teacher.
5) Students in Grades 1 to 3 are not permitted to bring personal electronic devices to school.
6) For our purposes a computer is defined as any electronic device that can access a wireless or cellular network.
7) Do not leave personal computers unattended in classrooms, common areas, or lockers. Students who are using their personal computers in such a way that is not permitted under the TDSB Code of Internet Use will be asked to shut down their computers and may be subject to further disciplinary action.
8) Failure to adhere to the school’s policy for use of personal electronic devices will be addressed via our progressive discipline approach.
9. Grades 1-6 should not have cell phones out at school at any point.
10. All students are expected to use the office phone to call home for any matter. In an effort to support student succcess with this school expectation, parents are asked to communicate with students via the office during the school day.
Kiss & Ride
All dates need your help. Please consider volunteering 15 minutes of your time weekly/biweekly to keep the Spring program running smoothly at Northlea! You can sign up to volunteer by clicking here.
Spring Fling - Save the Date
Walk & Roll to School Wednesdays
We have been so proud of everyone joining in on our Walk and Roll to School Wednesdays. Our next date is this Wednesday, May 1st!
Please also mark your calendar for our last date of the 2018-2019 school year.
Wednesday, June 5th, 2019
Social Series
The Northlea Social Series is a series of events organized and hosted by Northlea parents and school staff. This year's Social Series has an awesome lineup of parties and events for both the kids and adults. For the adults some events include: Lawn Bowling, a Painting Evening and Knight Riders (spinning). For the students some events include: the Ice Cream Truck, Floor Hockey, Hip Hop Dance, Pawsitively Pets Kids Night Out and a Planting Party. It's a great way to connect with the Northlea community, make some new friends and have fun, all while raising money for the school!
Don't miss out! Online ticket sales are available at:
My Life Online - Parent Webinar
MY LIFE ONLINE WEBINAR: Teaching Kids to be Safe, Smart & Kind Online
Thank you to everyone who joined the webinar. It was great to test our the webinar co-learning format on such a snowy day. The online parent turnout was fabulous. If you'd like to view the webinar, the link will be live until the end of the school year.
Thank you to Home and School for this opporutnity and special apprecation is shared with Shelagh Cummins for her leadership wiht this initiavitee.
More information can be found in this package:
Trustee Corner
Below please find a link to Trustee Chernos Lin's latest newsletter:
Coffee Meeting Dates with Trustee, Rachel Chernos-Lin - Tuesday, April 30
Please join Rachel at an upcoming April coffee morning. These "coffee" events are informal gatherings where parents and constituents are invited for a roundtable-style discussion of information sharing, best practices and interesting conversation related to education in our ward. Often superintendents and sometimes even principals drop by, so these are fun and engaging events. We hope you will attend! For more information, please visit here.
Coffee Morning: Tuesday, April 30, 9:15am to 11:30am
Location: Upstairs at Longo's, Leaside Location, 93 Laird Drive
Please visit Trustee Chernos Lin's website for updates about Ward 11:
TDSB Policy Consultations
From the TDSB Website - We Want to Hear From You - The objective of consultation is to gather public input regarding options, alternative courses of action, as well as to identify unintended effects for various participants and to find solutions. We would like to know your thoughts about our policy decisions by inviting you to our policy consultations. Please click on the policy of your interest to see the current draft. You are welcome to provide your comments, including suggestions on the wording and provisions of the draft policies, questions or recommendations using the contact information below.
School Cash Online
We use an online payment system for school related items such as field trips. You can register at: .