Year 9/10
Message from the Assistant Principal
The Years 9 & 10 students have been working extremely hard over the past month and should be proud of the way they have conducted themselves both in school and whilst representing the College. It was fantastic to hear such positive reports of student behaviour and work ethic whilst on Work Experience. Thank you to the employers who provided the opportunity to our students, the teachers and Year Level Leaders who prepared our students for this experience and the staff who took the time to visit.
The Year 9 students have also had the opportunity to further investigate potential careers with their excursion to the Careers Expo. Thank you to Annabel Bond, Dylan Cousins and Nancy Huez-O’Rourke for organising this event. In addition to this, students are also busily using their P2S time to complete their Community module. There are some fantastic projects being undertaken including “The Hunger Project”, solar lights, care packs and activity packs for children in hospital.
As we are heading into the cooler weather, can you please ensure students are in correct school uniform. Students are to wear the full winter uniform each day however a student is permitted to wear their PE uniform on days where they have PE. Students are not to wear hoodies, windcheaters or other non uniform items.
Finally, thank you to all of our class captains who are doing such a fantastic job running year level assemblies, supporting their homegroups and doing various activities around the school. You are developing excellent leadership skills and are demonstrating the values we stand for. Well done!
Penni Roe
Years 9 & 10 Assistant Principal
Year 10 news
Well done to our Year 10 students on such a positive start to the term! We have just finished our week of work experience and couldn’t be happier with the feedback that has been provided from multiple employers. We are proud of the cohort for showing independent planning and communicating skills in organising their work experience, and we want to thank the parents and wider school community for supporting the Year 10 work experience program.
Some of the feedback that we have received from employers includes:
- The student is very punctual and enthusiastic with a great work ethic.
- The student was very interactive and was a great asset to the team.
- The student is polite and has completed all duties without fuss. She was organised prior to arriving and has shown initiative.
- Just letting you know that the student is sensational. He has been an absolute pleasure to have with us this week. He has been in classes, though today I've kept him for myself for a few periods. When he completed his university placement we would like to have him back.
Some of our employers have even mentioned that our school was the most polite and enthusiastic group. The Year 10 team would also like to extend our gratitude to the Careers Team and Year 10 visiting teachers who supported out students throughout this process.
With work experience finished we now move onto preparing our students for their midyear exams. The Year 10 exam period will run from the 14th-15th of June, with students completing an English, Maths, Humanities and Science exam over the two days. Parents will receive a letter outlining more details about the Year 10 exam period in a fortnight’s time. If you have any queries about the exam period, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s Home Group teacher.
Year 10 formal
Our Year 10 formal is coming up quickly and our Class Captains have been working very hard in planning and organising this exciting event. To ensure that the formal does run this year, please ensure that your child’s permission form is handed into the Year 9/10 administration office by the 8th of June. We are looking forward to sharing a night of dining and dancing with our Year 10’s.
Subject in Focus: STEM Program
The Year 10 STEM class visited the Dolphin Research institute (DRI) in Hastings on the 2nd of May. There we learned about environmental stressors that impact Australia’s marine life and what we can do to prevent further damage. DRI instructors encouraged us to bring our knowledge back to school and promote sustainability within our community. They challenged us to create a peer-presentation that will educate others about the urgent call to action to preserve our marine life. We were taught how to use scientific binoculars and in our next visit to Western Port Bay, we will be able to apply our knowledge and conduct a dolphin census.
Year 9 news
Congratulations to year 9 students for the way they conducted themselves during NAPLAN. Their teachers were impressed with the focus and attentiveness the students showed during the three days.
Year 9 students will have an English exam on Thursday 14th June and a Maths exam on Friday 15th June. Students should now be preparing for the exams and speaking with their teachers for advice.
Congratulations to the captains who presented to the year level during their assembly at the beginning of term. Each captain contributed to creating a slide show and spoke to over 200 students in the year level. We are looking forward to performances and another fantastic student lead assembly at the end of term. Well done captains!
The orange building is buzzing with the P2S Give It Forward projects which are well underway. Students have selected the group in need they would like to help and are now completing fundraising, collecting donations and promoting their projects. Their teachers are looking forward to seeing everything the year level can achieve and help those in need!
Our next City Experience will take students to the Shrine of Remembrance to further develop their understanding of the Humanities classwork and develop a deeper understanding of our history. Remember to be in full school uniform and on time to the station.
Sports Pathway Program
Term 2 is full of exciting excursions and learning opportunities for students in the Sports Pathway Program. In theory classes students have been learning about sports nutrition. They will be learning specifically how to effectively fuel their bodies for training and competition and what to eat to aid recovery post exercise.
We were lucky enough to have Jess Rothwell a Sports Dietitian from the Victorian Institute of Sport and St Kilda FC run a seminar with all SPP students on the importance of nutrition for sport.
Students will continue to work hard on improving strength and conditioning with Collingwood FC coach Luke Kitchen. The aim of this term is to develop student’s aerobic fitness through many different training techniques.
The Sports of focus this term are AFL and Soccer. We are hoping the extra skill development and game sense will help us to perform to a higher standard during Interschool Sporting competitions.
Year 9
Kokada Memorial Track- 1000 steps
AAMI Park and The Tan running track
Year 10
Victoria Institute of Sport
Kokoda Memorial Track -1000 steps
Regards, Craig Kennedy CESC Sports Coordinator.
Year 9 and 10 Access Monash Champion information day:
On the 26th of April, 7 Year 9 students and 5 Year 10 students, attended the Access Monash Champions information day at the Cranbourne Racecourse. This day was held to inform students about what their focus is for their project and to get them working in their groups to form ideas about what their project could be based around. This year the Year 9 students will be basing their project on ‘Education’ and the Year 10 students will be based around ‘Community’. Each group will be working with mentors from Monash University on a fortnightly basis for 8 sessions, and at the conclusion of the sessions, each group will present their project to an audience. Congratulations to all the students that were selected and we look forward to seeing the progress made and the end result of these two projects.
9B Science
On Monday April 23, as part of the Term 2 Chemistry unit, 9B STEM science students were introduced to the 'Law of conservation of mass', which most students had previously heard of. After some theory, students got into groups to perform an experiment to demonstrate this law in real life. They observed a chemical reaction and analysed data collected from this experiment. All students behaved safely and completed a practical report based on this experiment.
9B Science
As part of the Term 2 Unit 'Crash Course Chemistry', on Thursday April 19, 9B STEM students participated in a series of 'Reactions' experiments. Students donned their safety glasses and mixed or heated various solids and ionic compounds. Students then completed a 'P.O.E' results table where they had to 'predict' the results of each experiment, 'observe' the experiment and finally 'evaluate' the experiment (categorise these reactions as chemical or physical changes and exothermic or endothermic. Students were able to name some of the products of these reactions without researching them and participated in these experiments in a safe and responsible manner.
Kyla Crawford - 9B STEM science teacher.
10G Science
On Monday April 23, as part of the Term 2 Chemistry unit, 10G science students revised the importance of observations in science, particularly in relation to experiments. After using the sense 'sight' to make some observations of images they were shown and also a demonstration shown in class, students looked at various elements in jars. Students were encouraged to note the state of matter of the element, find its name using a Periodic table and also note its properties.