Year 7/8 News
Assistant Principals News
It is hard to believe that we are closing in on the midway point of this term. Our Junior School students have been working hard in their various classes and have been involved in a number of extra-curricular activities.
A significant event this term was the whole school ANZAC assembly. At this assembly we remembered those who served Australia in times of war and conflict and honoured the sacrifices they made.
Major events in the coming weeks include NAPLAN for our Year 7 students on Tuesday 15th, Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th May and Cross Country on Thursday 24th May.
Please ensure that your son/daughter is wearing the correct uniform each day, including the school tie and school jumper, especially in these colder months of the year. As a reminder, students are not permitted to wear hoodies.
Looking forward to seeing further growth and development in our young people over this term.
Mr. Jonathan Flack
Assistant Principal
Year 7 News
At the moment in year 7, the class captains have been decorating the Year 7 cohort area to make it more welcoming for our year 7 students. They have created a welcome wall near the main entrance of the year 7 building. They have also started up a new system for home group points. Each home group will be able to collect points by wearing the right uniforms and behaving appropriately etc.
The year sevens are active in the C.E.S.C sports activities to further improve the students’ health as well as giving the students an enjoyable time whilst learning about team work, co-operation and good sportsmanship. Students have been active in Soccer, Volleyball, Netball, Badminton, etc. For most of these activities there is an opportunity for both genders to participate in.
The student voice leaders have also been collecting soaps and shampoos for the pinchapoo foundation with help from year 7 students. The year 7 student voice leaders have also had the opportunity to participate in Breakfast Club which is something students of all ages come to for breakfast in the mornings. They have also scattered posters around the green building of upcoming events like multicultural day as well as previous events like the sod turning, ANZAC day march, etc.
All year 7 students are encouraged to participate in the upcoming cross country which is going to be held on Thursday the 24th of May. The year 7s are very excited to run alongside their friends on this 3km run/walk.
Written by Alyssa and L’Aurielle
Year 8 News
Term 2 is well and truly in the grove with staff and students flat out working towards achieving as much growth as possible before semester reports begin.
Students have been experiencing great results in Maths while participating in Mangahigh, with several students being rewarded Gold medals in a state wide competition.
The Whale Rider is being analysed in English this term, the film and book getting rave reviews from numerous students which is generating valuable discussions during class.
In PE striking sports are the focus this term, students have been exposed to several different sports involving hitting like t-ball, baseball and cricket so far. Classes have been going crazy over a modified game called “Diamond Cricket” which allows four batters to compete together as a team at the same time. Mental Health with a focus on anxiety and how to manage it is being worked through during health lessons, preparing students with strategies to cope when heading in to senior school.
Unfortunately due to not enough forms being returned the “Amazing Race” excursion was cancelled. We will look at modifying the events so it can be completed at school instead of the planned trip to Casey Fields. This was really disappointing as staff and students were really looking forward to the day and a lot of time and energy had gone in to the planning. A huge thank you to those that had returned forms, hopefully we can improve the submission rate next time when we have whole year level events.
Speaking of events, we are super excited to announce that a Camp is planned for Year 8 during term 4. The camp will be held in Inverloch and will involve coastal activities like surfing, beach hikes and cave exploration. Even if students are not interested in surfing, there are plenty of other activities to keep everyone entertained. We are all really excited for this and need as many students as possible to attend to make sure the camp is a success and ongoing feature in the Year 8 program. Deposits are due by June 4th but if there are any issues with making this payment please contact the school. Payment plans can be organised and the CESF is available to go towards this. We will have an information session scheduled for both students and parents in the next few weeks so watch this space.
If there are any questions regarding camp or anything else Year 8, please don’t hesitate to call.
Year 8 Leaders
Mr. Hobba and Ms. Kaur.
Year 8 Camp - Week 3 of Term 4 2018
One of the next highlights to look forward to for year 8 is the term 4 camp. The Year 8 OutBeyond Leadership Development Camp term 4, 24th to the 26th October at Inverloch will engage students with a variety of exciting adventures such as surfing, along with developing both their individual confidence and the ability to work as part of an effective team. The camp will be a great opportunity for the year 8s to grow and develop within a scenic coastal environment of Inverloch, Victoria. A great way to finish year 8 and prepare for year 9.
Year 8 Team
Creative learning in Mathematics at CESC
Learning at online platforms is not only easy and helpful, but it is creative and a way to understand topics at a wider range. At Cranbourne East Secondary College, we use many online sites to help us improve our understanding and practice our lessons. Some of these sites include Mathletics and Mangahigh just to name a few. It has been great to see many year 8 students trying their best to both build and challenge their abilities.
Mangahigh is one of the world’s first game-based online learning platform for primary and secondary school kids for Mathematics. It is a very effective site as it guides students to their level of understanding and develops their ability to observe, test and hypothesize both answers and skills. While this platform is designed for teenagers, it would be of benefit to anyone of any age wanting to further develop their knowledge and skills in Mathematics. As a student, I have found the experience of using Mangahigh to be very enjoyable, entertaining and personal as its individual game-based activities puts ‘real world’ problems in front of you to solve.
On a clear positive note, I would like to, again, congratulate all the year 8s who have tried hard with Mangahigh and especially those who were acknowledged in the recent assembly for their achievements. You have made our school very proud, keep up the good work! If any students have forgotten their access to Mangahigh, please ask your Mathematics teacher for your username and password.
Jaismeen 8E
Mathematics Competition
This year at CESC, as well as having access to the Mathletics internet resource for Mathematics, the students are trailing another internet resource called Mangahigh.
In Term 1 Mangahigh held a “Maths Ninja Challenge” for 2 weeks. The challenge consisted of exciting maths games and quizzes - using a resource that improves student engagement and productivity in maths learning.
The goal was to pass each activity by achieving either a Bronze, Silver or Gold standard. Every Bronze standard achieved earned 1 medal point, a Silver standard achieved was worth 2 medal points, and a Gold standard achieved was worth 3 medal points.
We would like to acknowledge and CONGRATULATE two of our Year 8 students who achieved gold medals in The Mangahigh Maths Ninja Challenge. WELL DONE BOYS!
This year at CESC, as well as having access to the Mathletics internet resource for Mathematics, the students are trailing another internet resource called Mangahigh.
In Term 1 Mangahigh held a “Maths Ninja Challenge” for 2 weeks. The challenge consisted of exciting maths games and quizzes - using a resource that improves student engagement and productivity in maths learning.
The goal was to pass each activity by achieving either a Bronze, Silver or Gold standard. Every Bronze standard achieved earned 1 medal point, a Silver standard achieved was worth 2 medal points, and a Gold standard achieved was worth 3 medal points.
We would like to acknowledge and CONGRATULATE two of our Year 8 students who achieved gold medals in The Mangahigh Maths Ninja Challenge. WELL DONE BOYS!
8H science - Light
As part of the ‘Light and sound unit’ for Year 8 science this term, on Friday April 20, 8H science students learnt about the ‘Law of reflection’ and how different surfaces reflect light. They were introduced to terms such as: reflection, reflected ray, incident ray and the fact that light only travels in straight lines. Students then practised using a light box (most for the first time) and using various Perspex shapes and concave and convex mirrors to see how different objects reflect light. Next lesson students focused on concave and convex mirrors and the patterns made when light reflects off these surfaces, as well as where concave and convex mirrors are used in real life.
Mrs Crawford - 8H science teacher