From the Principal
On Wednesday 9th May the Regional Director, Stephen Gniel visited CESC. Stephen was very impressed with the high engagement of all students and the safe and orderly learning environment we are providing. He was particularly interested in the Year 9 Pathway to Success program. Students explained to Stephen the learning that was happening and how their groups were contributing to the community. He was keen to learn more about the collaborative work our staff are involved in to improve writing across the school. The Curriculum Day on Friday 18th May will further support this work. Staff will be working together to learn more about highly effective writing strategies and developing action plans for incorporating these strategies into their subject areas.
We have NAPLAN assessments for Years 7 and 9 commencing on Tuesday 15th May. These tests provide us with valuable information on student learning, growth and the impact of our teaching approaches. We look forward to these tests and celebrating our improvements and achievements on NAPLAN when results are released.
During May, we will also have students completing the annual Attitudes to School Survey. This data set continues to improve as we implement positive new programs and engaging learning activities.
Earlier this term, we held a very successful Information Evening for prospective Grade 6 students from our local Primary Schools. Cranbourne East is certainly becoming a school of choice for families in the area due to the high-quality learning across the College and the Senior School results for both VCAL and VCE students.
I will commence planned Long Service Leave on Monday 14th May and return Tuesday 12th June. Carys Freeman will be the Acting Principal during this time. The following changes to the Principal Class team will commence on Friday 11th May and continue through to the end of the year. This is due to Carys Freeman commencing family leave later in the term. We are excited to welcome Rebekah Nicholas to the Principal Class team in the role of Teaching and Learning Assistant Principal. Penni Roe will be the Year 10 to 12 Assistant Principal and Jon Flack will be the Year 7 to 9 Assistant Principal.
Mandee Strickland