Education in Faith

The Feast of Jesus’ Ascension celebrates the end of Jesus’ work on earth for us and his return to God his Father. 

Ascension of the Lord
Ascension of the Lord

This week we celebrate the Ascension of the Lord, when Jesus was taken to heaven on the 40th day after Easter. In Cycle C, our Gospel is taken from the conclusion of the Gospel of Luke.


As Jesus ascends to heaven, he commissions us to be his living message of hope, love, and compassion in a world crying out for healing. Christ is the head of the Church and we are the body, filled with his wisdom and power to transform all creation (Second Reading).


We are not left to struggle on our own. The risen Christ fills us with his Holy Spirit so that we who believe are his witnesses to the ends of the earth (First Reading). 


Jesus’ disciples do not dwell on their loss at his departing from their sight, but are instead full of joy at the realisation that he is now with them forever (Gospel). The Psalm, using words, songs and actions of joy and exultation, brings us to the heart of the event we celebrate today.

The readings and liturgy for this wonderful feast day invite us all to share in the amazement of those first disciples of Jesus, so that we, too, can become like them – joyful followers of Christ. This week, we might pray for the opportunity to proclaim the joy of the Good News to as many people as possible.


Those who believe in Jesus will be empowered to do what Jesus himself has done. Jesus sent his disciples out to preach, to heal, and to drive out unclean spirits. Now, they are sent again to do these things and more. From his place with God in heaven, Jesus helped his disciples, and he continues to help us as we try to live as his followers.


A beginning point for discussion of this week's Gospel with children:

  • Who do you know who has gone away and you don’t see very often?
  • How do you keep in touch?
  • Jesus went back to his Father but he is still with us. How do we keep in touch with Jesus? 
  • We show Jesus is with us by the way we live. How will you show others that Jesus is with you this week?


Sacramental News and Dates

Please note the following dates could change due to Covid -19 restrictions.

First EucharistParent and Child Workshop Tuesday 12th July 6 pm at SFS Sunday July 17th at 11:00 am at St. Kevin’s Parish

Reconciliation and 

Eucharist Practice at St. Kevin’s – Friday 15th July

During School Time- Parents need not attend 

ConfirmationParent and Child Workshop Tuesday 2nd August 6 pm at SFSThursday August 11th at 6:00 pm at St. Kevin’s Parish 

Sacrament Levy

There is a $15 Sacrament Levy to cover the cost for:

  •  a guest speaker to conduct a Parent and Child Workshop for each Sacrament.
  • professionally made stoles. 
  • a candle for children receiving reconciliation.
  • children receiving First Eucharist and Confirmation to travel to St. Kevin’s Church for Reconciliation, Eucharist practice, and reflection day by bus.

This levy needs to be paid in full to the school in an envelope clearly indicating your child’s name, HomeGroup and name of Sacrament being received before or on the day of your Family Workshop Session.

Save the Date

This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of St. Kevin’s

There will be a Feast Day Mass celebrated on 5th June at 11 am at St. Kevin's Church followed by a luncheon by the parishioners of St. Kevin's.

Being a part of St. Kevin's Parish Community, it will be great if we could all attend mass and join in with the festivities of celebrating this feast day. 


God Bless 

Rozeta Ambrose