

Deutsch für die Zukunft 

(German for the Future) 



In German we are studying  


Foundation: Bauernhoftiere – Farm Animals 

Level One and Two: Tiere – Animals  

Level Three and Four: Kleidung - Clothing                        

Level  Five and Six: Gefühle – Feelings 


How to support your child’s German at home 



Some vocabulary you can practice with your children 



das Küken (chick) 

der Hund (dog) 

die Ziege (goat) 


Level One and Two 

die Katze (cat) 

die Maus (mouse) 

die Ente (duck) 


Level Three and Four 

die Jacke (jacket)

der Hut (hat)

der Schal (scarf) 


Level Five and Six 

Mir geht’s prima (I am well) 

Mir geht’s nicht gut! (I am not well) 

Ich bin müde (I am tired) 



By our German Captain, Tilly 


Germany sells around 6 million cars a year, making it one of the largest car producers in ​the world. 


Germany has over 1,500 varieties of sausages! 


Viel Spaß und Vergnügen! 

Should you have any queries about how to best support your child’s German language development, we would love to hear from you. 


Frau Ulrike Lindner 

Frau Megan Taylor 

Frau Sophia Kent