Student Services : Wellbeing 

National Reconciliation Week

This week is National Reconciliation Week, a time for individuals, families, communities, and organisations to ‘Be Brave & Make Change’. Reconciliation Week is being celebrated across NHS this week. The library has held events every lunchtime, with indigenous inspired badge making, craft and film screenings, with many of the students getting involved . We also enjoyed a celebration lunch with our First Australian students and allies. Ellen Tunumafono a Northcote High graduate and Indigenous Student Outreach Officer for Melbourne Uni came along and shared stories of her high school experience as a proud aboriginal woman. The students will be taking part in Connect activities throughout the week and on Friday, student leadership have organised a lunchtime activity- ‘stand up to racism’ to celebrate Mabo Day. 


Please see for more information. 


Ellen Tunumafono speaking at the celebration lunch
Craft activities in the library
Ellen Tunumafono speaking at the celebration lunch
Craft activities in the library


IDAHOBIT community paper chain

Our amazing Northcote High community ran a number of activities to celebrate IDAHOBIT on 17 May.  A stand-out activity was where students wrote some words of support to our LGBTIQA+ community on a pieces of rainbow coloured paper to make a chain. We received so many kind and positive statements, and were able to create an 18 meter long chain! We’re so proud of our student and staff community for getting involved- thanks to all those who helped out and contributed! Take a look at the amazing chain we were able to create:



Adolescence and Parenting event

On Monday night we virtually held a Student Services Parent Night on Adolescence and Parenting. We were so lucky to have Associate Professor, and Clinical Psychologist, Katie Wood, speak to our families on how to foster positive relationships with your adolescents, and tips on how to navigate the world of parenting young people. Thanks to the 125 families who tuned in- we hope you found it as useful as we did! 


Just a friendly reminder that the Student Services Wellbeing Team are planning to run the Tuning In To Teens Program this Term. If you were one of the families who registered your interest in participating in this program earlier in the year, you may receive contact from someone in our team soon!



We are here to help

The Student Wellbeing Team is here to help. See below for information on how you can connect with your Student Wellbeing Coordinator (SWC), access counselling at school, and information and resources for support outside of school hours or term. If this sort of support is new for you, you might like to check out this video that explains what it’s like to see a mental health professional for the first time


The Student Wellbeing team also run activities, programs, and support groups (for parents, carers and students!) throughout the year.