Deputy Principal, Wellbeing 


Welcome back to students and families for Term Two. I hope the Year 9 students are having a great week away on camp in Melbourne, I’ve certainly heard some fantastic feedback from staff and have seen some great photos. Experiences, like camps, allow young people to push themselves outside their comfort zones and to achieve positive social gains. It isn’t always easy … however experiencing challenging emotions can often be where most of the learning takes place. 

This week, I decided to include the graphic from WholeHearted School Counselling. The graphic discusses how young people can focus on what THEY can control when dealing with problems. We can all be quick to blame or judge. The areas of focus below can reframe anger and frustrations that young people feel, and help to move forward with problem solving. Often when a young person focuses on what they can do, rather than trying to change other people, this is more solution focused. Modelling this to young people is also important - how do you deal with problems? How do you take care of yourself? How do you ask for help? 

Wishing all students and families a great Term ahead. 


Kate Couchman

Student Counsellor