Notice Board
Notice Board
Have you ever considered becoming a foster carer? Children require a safe place to live. At times, for a variety of reasons, living with family is not the safest option for all children. Department of Communities, Mirrabooka District, is seeking motivated, caring and nurturing adults who may be willing to attend a local information session to hear about becoming a foster carer. Foster carers often tell us that making the decision to help vulnerable children and young people and providing them with a loving home has been one of the best decisions they have ever made. There are a number of foster care options available. Some are long term, full-time arrangements while other foster carers provide support for short term or short break placements. Foster carers come from all walks of life. You may be single, partnered or married, with or without your own children. As a foster carer, you would be supported by a dedicated Placement Officer.
Interested applicants would need to attend a fostering information session. We have sessions that will occur at the Mirrabooka District office and the Herb Graham Rec Centre in Mirrabooka on the following dates:
Information Sessions – 2022
Saturday 28 May 2pm - 4pm - Herb Graham Recreation Centre
Tuesday 14 June – 6pm – 8pm – Mirrabooka District Office
Wednesday 21 September – 10am – 12pm Mirrabooka District Office
Saturday 22 October – 2pm-4pm – Herb Graham Recreation Centre
Mirrabooka Office : 5 Milldale Way, Mirrabooka
Herb Graham Recreation Centre: 38 Ashbury Crescent, Mirrabooka
This Friday the Smith Family is running a free info session over ZOOM and would like to extend the invitation to parents, caregivers and staff in our school community so they can find out more about the Saver Plus opportunity.
Friday 27 May
10am – 10.30am
Simply click the ZOOM link to join on the day -
You can join from your phone, iPad, tablet, laptop or computer.
Through Football West in Term 2 a soccer clinic will be held on our school oval. This will be happening on Tuesday afternoons from 3.10pm until 3.55pm for a 4 week period commencing Tuesday 7 June. Please refer to the flyer below.
Warwick Senior High School specialises in Netball and AFL. Trials for a placement in 2023 are now being arranged. Please refer below: