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The M Chat Issue 21

Messages from the Front Office

Photo Catch Up Day

For those students who missed the school photos due to sickness, the photographers are returning on Monday 30 May at 9am. They will only be available to those students who were not photographed previously.  Sibling photos will also be available.  Forms are available at the front office. 


Phasing out cash payments

For various operational reasons, including the closure of local Bank branches, we have decided to phase out the acceptance of cash for school fees and excursions. We request that by the end of term 2 all families make payments by direct deposit to the school bank account or through EFTPOS in the front office. 


Reminder: If you are making direct deposits to the school account, can you please ensure that you provide a reference that includes the CHILD'S NAME AND YEAR GROUP to allow for timely processing. 

For example: J Citizen yr 1

BSB: 066 040 

Account: # 19905042

Horseshoe Kiss 'n Ride

For the safety and convenience of all kiss 'n ride users, please remain with your vehicle at all times. This is strictly a NO PARKING area. 


If you arrive late to school and wish to accompany your child/ren to the office you must park in designated parking areas not in the kiss n' ride as it inconveniences others who are using the facility correctly.


To avoid a back up of cars in the driveway and congestion on Giralt Road a "No Right Turn" sign has been erected leading onto Giralt Road at the exit of the driveway.  Please take note of this and only turn left utilising the roundabout at Addington Way to continue in a Northerly direction on Giralt Road.