From the Executive Principal's Desk

Winter is most definitely upon us and as we head towards the halfway point in the year, it is an opportune time to take stock of where we are as a Christ-centred learning community. Are we moving in the direction that we set out on at the beginning of the year? Are the things we are doing, helping to fulfil our vision and mission? Are we making progress in our desire to become a more CONNECTED community after over 2 years where many of us felt isolated and have been prevented from truly engaging with both our church and school communities?
In Ephesians 2:15, Paul writes, “His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity”. Paul is writing these words in the context of entirely new types of communities sprouting up in the wake of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. Previously, people would stick to their own groups, usually based on political, ethnic, religious, cultural or societal connections. But Paul is ultimately saying that God’s plan is for a new type of society. Where our connection is simply that we are alive and human.
Although the global pandemic has obviously played a huge part in disconnecting us, I believe that we too can often get in the way. We are often naturally drawn towards some people but not to others. This can be based on our ethnicity, our age, our personality type and sometimes even the footy team that we follow. Of course, it is comforting to be able to connect with those who have shared in our experiences of life in another country or life barracking for Collingwood, but it is important that we also look past these commonalities and spend time with those whom we may not naturally be drawn to.
Back in the first century, it must have been difficult for Jews and Gentiles to relate to each other and we can read plenty in the scriptures illustrating this. But we also struggle today in our communities – Heatherton Christian College included - to reach beyond our cliques and love those who are not like us. Jesus has called us to become one CONNECTED body. God has created us ALL in His image and so we must endeavour, as difficult as it might be, to open our eyes and ears to ALL around us and not just those we feel are like us. After all, as Paul states, we are ALL one new humanity.
When we reach out and make those CONNECTIONS that are especially difficult, we are becoming active participants in God’s plan for the redemption of ALL mankind.
Grace and Peace.
Damian Higgins
Executive Principal