A Message from Parents & Friends 

Hi everyone, 


Well the winter has well and truly settled in for the next few months hasn’t it! Who else is hanging out for spring?! Luckily Parents & Friends are keeping themselves warm by busily planning fundraising events for Terms 3 and 4. We’re just finalising the details and look forward to updating you more in the next newsletter. 


Fundraising so far…..


As you will know from previous communications, we are wanting to improve the sporting facilities within school. The leadership team and school council are working through all the details of what this looks like, but we are excited to share with you our fundraising total so far for the year. 


Thanks to the support of the school community, we have raised a whopping $36,273.36. It’s such an incredible total and is a testament to our wonderful community.  This total is being added to our fundraising total from 2021. Our most recent big event, Mother’s/ Special Person’s event, stall and raffle raised a total of $2164.92. A big thank you to all involved. 



TERM 2 Events


Election Day BBQ - Saturday 21st May

A big thank you to the Arundell family for organising this fundraiser and for spending the day on the BBQ along with all our wonderful volunteers. Thanks to you and our wonderful school and wider community, we raised $1815.05. Not bad for a day’s work! 


School Disco – Thursday 23rd June

The details of the school disco have been released and a Compass note for paying for tickets has been sent home for each child. We have split the disco into 2 sessions: 

  • Prep - Grade 3 - 3.15pm - 4.45pm
  • Grade 4 - Grade 6 - 5.00pm - 6.30pm

Children will be able to come into school in their brightly coloured rainbow clothes (i.e. out of school uniform should they wish) on this day. Further details will be sent home in the next week with all you need to know. 


If you would like to volunteer to help out at the disco, you can sign up here https://signup.com/go/NAryeRX



TERM 2 Treats


Treats for the remainder of the term are: 

  • Friday 10th June - Flavoured milk (strawberry and chocolate) 
  • Friday 17th June - Donuts (jam and cinnamon) 

To help sell our treats - https://signup.com/go/NAryeRX


We thank you for your support with our fundraising - it all helps towards improving our sporting facilities. 


The Parents & Friends Committee.