Kings Park Campus Principal Message

Campus Principal Report
Year 9 and 10 Pathways info evening May 23 Families are invited to Delahey to hear important information about the senior year program. This will support students and families as they make subject choices and consider career pathways.
Interim Reports and Family, Student and Teacher Interviews
We finished Term 1 with student/family/teacher interviews. Attended very well in this post COVID environment.
Building Works
The Tech Room floors have been replaced. L Team staff room scheduled for next holidays.
Thursday March 31 and Friday April 1, congratulations to all students and staff involved in the production. You can’t stop the music (the musical) was an outstanding example of the talent we have at Copperfield.
COVID Update
We are still having a small number of positive cases and close contacts reported. We are continuing to deliver packs of 5 RAT kits to every student fortnightly at our campus. Up until Week 4 this will continue in Term 2.
Tutoring Program
2022 has seen the return of the Tutor Learning Initiative, which is designed to support students whose learning has been disrupted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Kings Park and Sydenham students from year 7 to 10 are selected by their English and Mathematics classroom teachers in conjunction with one of 15 tutors to receive tutoring within their normal class time each week, supporting them on specific goals. This year we have also been able to employ a Japanese tutor to support these classes also. Year 11 and 12 students at Delahey opt for tutoring during study periods with one of 4 part-time tutors employed at Delahey.
A total of 659 students are currently receiving tutoring with over 75% setting goals related to consolidating foundation skills, stepping through key concepts, breaking down/ scaffolding tasks, building confidence, and the ability to set goals, organise themselves and assess their own progress. These students will also have their Approaches to Tutoring reported to families in the Term 1 Interim Reports.
NAPLAN Practice Tests
All of our Year 7 and 9 students have become familiar with the tools and NAPLAN conditions, this will be of benefit when we enter the test period in May. All year 8 students are completing NAPLAN simulation this year so that we can intervene and improve our results for this cohort in 2023.
Student Leadership
Congratulations to our student leaders for 2022:
Campus Captains: Brandon Tran XC2 and Gloria Verio Li XT4
Year 7 Leaders: Shakira Tranquillo 7L2 and Trish Truong 7D3
Year 8 Leaders: Saniyah Akhter 8L2 and Amani Al Hussaini 8L3
Year 9 Leaders: Daniel Tadros 9C3, James Tamalua-Sione 9C3 and Penny Voutros 9T3 Year 10 Leader: Jennifer Nguyen XT4 Environmental Leader: Bailey Sarris 8D3 Sports Leaders: Abbas Hassani XT4 and Norri Sopi XT1
Mr Lance Petherick and Mr Mark Nugent Campus Principals, Kings Park