College Principal Message

May, 2022
I hope families enjoyed the break from routine the holidays gave us. As some families would be aware, we are experiencing some staffing shortages. This is contributed to by a nationwide shortage of teachers, a high rate of illness, a number of staff requiring leave and mobility. In most years, staffing is quite stable by this time of the year but not this one. We have a number of vacancies for which we have advertised a number of times, to no avail. Providing consistent teachers for classes is of course our first priority. We are grateful that some tutors who are VIT registered have moved into taking classes but therefor have had to reduce their tutoring. And on some days last week we have even had to cancel excursions and combine classes in order to provide supervision to students. All this means that there have been disruptions to the normal learning program and activities, which is a very sad turn of events and goes against everything we are aiming to achieve as a college. I want to assure you we will continue to do our best to source quality teachers and restore our normal programming as soon as possible.
This is the reason that for Term 2 this year we will have a common Professional Practice Day (PPD) for junior campus teachers. This is part of teachers’ working conditions and they are usually taken at different times across a term, however, given the shortage of CRTs, the DET has suggested schools nominate a common day for staff. This will be a day where students are not required at school. It is not a Curriculum Day but a day where teachers will work on planning, marking etc. College Council has agreed to Thursday May 19 for junior campuses only. The timing of this common day needed to avoid NAPLAN and the exam preparation period and so even though our actual Curriculum Day is the following week, May 24, we had to have it on May 19. Delahey staff will take their day on an individual basis as staffing is less of an issue there; so, there are normal classes at Delahey on Thursday May 19.
I am excited to report that our Year 8 Maths students are being supported in their numeracy and potentially in next year’s NAPLAN test they are doing simulation tests which will be followed up by focused group work to extend all students based on past tests at a range of levels.
Timelines for school stage transitions have been brought forward this year. The Grade 6 to Year 7 timeline has changed in that families will let their children’s primary schools know of their intentions by May 13 and we will know by July 20 and can start sending welcome packs out. Our Discovery Nights were vibrant events and very well attended, particularly at Sydenham.
The Pathways team has started the transition from junior to the senior campus earlier this year with our information night happening on May 23. This year we are inviting all Year 9 and 10 students and their families. The new VCE VM and VPC will obviously be front and centre. This is a really important event, even for families who have had students go through the senior campus before as the landscape is changing and everyone needs to know about it.
The curriculum for VCE VM has been released and is currently being studied by staff, with professional learning sessions being rolled out over the term.
General Achievement Test (GAT)
Year 12 VCAL students will sit the Literacy and Numeracy components of the GAT in the morning of September 7. The VCE students will sit the rest of the test in the afternoon after a break. Our Gala at the end of last term was a thoroughly enjoyable evening, showcasing our students’ considerable singing, dancing, instrumental and acting prowess. All credit and thanks to the team of dedicated staff who worked with the students as well as the students and their families who starred in and or supported it.
Student Leaders and focus groups:
As part of our work on defining and creating an aspirational learning environment as per our School Strategic Plan, I have run a series of focus groups with students, including student leaders as assistant facilitators. Our students are incredibly insightful and delightful and are generally more metacognitive about their learning than many give them credit for. See images below.
Sadly, this week’s mayoral visit that student leaders and some SRC representatives were going to attend had to be postponed due to illness; but it will happen in due course.
All the best until next time,
Ms Pip Griffiths
College Principal