1/2 UR Inquiry

Ms Rivas

This week the students in 1/2 UR learnt about sustainability and the impact that rubbish and waste materials can have on the Earth. Students learnt how materials decompose at different rates. They checked their ongoing class experiment where students buried plastic rubbish and apple scraps to compare how quickly they decompose. After reviewing their predictions, students watched videos and discussed how different manmade rubbish and natural materials decompose. They did an activity in which they had to predict how long items like; rubber boots, banana peels, cardboard and polystyrene cups take to decompose.  Students were surprised that some manmade materials like polystyrene cups never decompose in the soil. They were able to make connections about how unnecessary rubbish build up affects animals, plants and humans. The students then did an activity in which they took some of those same items and learnt how to sort them into the correct waste bins. Students were presented with a recycling bin, a compost bin and a general waste bin. They had to think about where each item fit. They later shared what they found and discussed the importance of recycling and composting for the environment.







Charlotte – I learnt that composting helps grow plants. 








Andy- I now know how important it is to recycle to save the animals.






William Malual – I know that we need to recycle paper.







Jennifer- I learnt that I can recycle cardboard boxes and help save the trees.