Student Leadership

A note from your College Captains
Hey everyone! It’s been a huge semester! Keep going, holidays are on the horizon. Keep away from the flu and treat yourself to a binge session of Stranger Things. Always remember to take any opportunity that pass you by, to end this term on a high and simply, Slay the Day.
Isobel Long and Olivia Gryszan
College Captains
Study Tips from the Year 12s
At MGSC, the mid-year exams for years 9 to 11 are starting soon. To help students better prepare, here are some expert study tips from the year 12s.
- Plan your time with calendars
- To-do lists, break bigger tasks into smaller, easier pieces
- Spaced repetition
- Utilize you online resources such as Edrolo or Education Perfect
- Flashcards are more effective than writing out summary notes
- Make cue cards or revised notes early before revision (at the end of each topic)
- Quizlet
- Cornell notes for revision
- Memory organization. When memorising content it is best to create cues to aid recall. For example instead of memorising 20 different quotes memorise five different themes and link your quotes to them. This way you don't actively think about what your trying to memorise in an essay and the quote pops into your mind automatically.
- Lofi chillhop study music
- Practice questions
- Be kind to yourself and take some time to relax
SRC Big Freeze
The SRC is supporting the Big Freeze to Fight Motor Neurone Disease and find a cure.
2022 official beanies can be purchased at the office with a credit card or with cash at the Junior School office.
The beanies can be worn at school until the end of term.
MGSC Big Freeze
On Thursday 23 June at teachers whose donation goal has been achieved will get dunked on by the winner of a raffle that will be opened in the last two week of term 3. Donate directly online at
Donations can be made through an SRC representative when they are selling beanies or raffle tickets too. See the current teachers involved and their fundraising goal.
SVA leaders Georgie Grubb and Candice Prior are looking for students who may be interested in helping with media, music and editing of the school podcast. Please email if you are interested in being part of this team.
If you haven’t already had a listen, here is the official introduction to Period 5.
Quote of the Week
“Never give up. Great things take time!”
Share student success stories
In this new section of the newsletter, we would like to share student success at MGSC. To illustrate, it is a space where we can acknowledge different leadership teams, clubs and individuals who achieve or work towards the development of something special and unique.
We want YOUR input!
The newsletter will include topics such as artworks, student achievements, weekly jokes/memes, upcoming events and more. A podcast will also be introduced, talking about student successes, as well as other student-related subjects. If any student clubs have news and events to share we would also like to include that here.
We would like to ask our student cohort to share any news or updates they have, regarding their achievements and projects with us, and we will make sure to address you in the next Newsletter! You can find us at our email
Look out for future updates!
The Student Voice and Advocacy
Leadership Badges
Leadership badges are being distributed to the students in their team meetings in coming weeks. Covid restrictions prevented this being done at an all-school assembly in term 1.
This week year 7 and year 8 class captains and the SVA teams received their badges.
Wendy Harvey
Director of Girls' Leadership