Principal's message

Dear MGSC community
We are already half way through Term 2 and only a few weeks away from the change over to the Semester 2. Students of years 9 to 11 are currently studying for their exams that will commence this Friday 3 June. The experience of sitting exams will prepare students for their year 12 exams in the future.
The cold winds and rain of winter started on time this year with Wednesday this week being one of the coldest days that we have experienced in a few years. As you would have read in the newsfeed, we are trialling having students eating inside at recess and lunch time as it is very chilly outside. We hope that the trial will go well and that the students will ensure that they don’t leave rubbish on the floor or left-overs on the tables. Respect for the school environment is important to us all.
Last week VCE Theatre Studies perfomances took place. Whilst I wasn’t able to attend due to being unwell, I have heard from staff who were able to attend how tremendous their performances were. I give my thanks to Jenny Connolly who has given up many hours of her personal time with provide students with an opportunity to hone their craft.
To acknowledge and recognise National Reconcilitation Week there have been activities and events for our students. This has led to increased knowledge and understanding
There have been high numbers of students and staff away due to catching colds, flu and/or Covid. The most important thing that we can do is to maintain good hygiene by washing our hands regularly and wearing a mask (unless there is an exemption). Whilst it isn’t mandatory to wear masks it is another way of reducing the transmission of viruses. If students and staff are unwell then the best place they can be is home as coming to school will only spread the flu to other members of the school community. Of course, if students have Covid they are to isolate for seven days.
Keep well
Linda Brown