Sustainability News

Beneficial Insects Incursion

This week the grades Prep, One and two children participated in an incursion run by Produce It, Protect It - Vic Farmer Time. The wonderful Jayne Johns took the students through a variety of activities teaching them all about beneficial insects in crop production and the importance of healthy landscapes for healthy food and fibre production.


The students explored a variety of different types of crops and the journey a wheat plant makes from paddock to product. They listened to a Victorian producer speak about some of the beneficial insects that support the production of crops and applied their creativity and design skills to create their own bugs.


But that's not all! Then they went on a beneficial insect scavenger hunt, recording the types of insects found in the school gardens. The students will also collaborate to create an 'insect hotel' to encourage beneficial insects to visit the Sunshine Heights future edible food forest.