Visual Art Term 3


This term the Preps are looking at the Studio Habits of Mind (SHoM), Envision - Imagine & Plan, Express - Finding Meaning & Engage & Persist - Having a Growth Mindset. We will explore how these Habits play a major role in our artistic adventures through ArtPlay and mini studio skill building workshops. As a group we will begin developing our 'Ideas Bank' where we can dip in and find quick ideas if we are stuck. With idea creation in mind will will then delve into the meaning behind artwork. This will involve looking at professional art pieces and our artist peers work. And finally we will look at strategies to help when things don't go to plan in our artwork.  

Grade 1-6

This term the artists will be looking at the Studio Habits of Mind (SHoM), Stretch & Explore - Play to Discover, Express - Finding Meaning & Engage & Persist - Pushing ourselves to discover new things. They will play with materials, explore new concepts and reflect on how artists make mistakes. As they begin to look at the messages that their artwork send, they will explore what is important to them, how they can communicate this through art, and by looking at other artists work, interpret meaning. 


At this stage of the year, all artists have begun an artwork for the art show in December and some artists are even beginning their second piece! As always students work is choice driven and individualised. I will continue to support the students with targeted skill building workshops and specialised lessons where needed. 



Any questions please pop by or feel free to contact me: