Religious Education News 


This term we begin the Sacramental Program for children in Grade 3 (or older) to make their Eucharist and Confirmation. Last night we had a parent information and enrolment session in the church. If you were unable to attend and would like your child to participate in the program then you will need to contact Mandy at the Parish to register on 52312177. 

Please see the following important dates. The children are expected to attend a Presentation Mass and both Dismissal Masses (one each weekend)  prior to their celebration of the sacraments.


Important Dates

July 22 & 23 Presentation of Candidates at Mass 

(this is where the children are presented to the congregation and wear a red stole to signify they are preparing for the sacraments)


July 29 & 30 - Dismissal One at Mass

 (during Fr. Michael's Homily, the children will gather in the foyer with teachers from St. Mary's and Sacred Heart to discuss the gospel in a child friendly way and link it to the celebration of Eucharist and Confirmation. This involves listening, reflecting, discussing and a little colour in activity. Parents stay in the church.)


August 5 & 6 - Dismissal Two at Mass (Same as above)

Friday August 11


Sacramental Preparation Day (during school day)

10am - Mass - Fr Michael explains Mass to children

Breadmaking Day (attending with Jayne and Tanya)


Sacramental Celebrations

Saturday 12 August - Celebration Mass 6pm or

Sunday 13 August - Celebration Mass 11am 


Prayer Gathering roster for Term 3 

(please note some changes from last newsletter)

14th July  -Dan and Susie (Grade 6)

21st July - Kascha (Grade 1)

28th July - Leah/Miriam (Grade 1)

4th August - Matt (Grade 2)

11th August - Jade (Grade 5)

18th August - Maegen (Grade 6)

25th August - Kerryn and Emma (Grade 2)

1st September - Deb and Lauren (Grade 3)

8th September - Meg (Grade 4)

15th September - Elissa (Grade 3)



Jayne Brumby      

Tanya Stewart