Key Dates & Events



You are welcome to access the OLA Calendar on our website or here.



Week 3 
Monday 24 JulyGrand People's Day
Wed 26 JulyPrep Milo's Birthday Celebrations
Friday 28 July2.30pm - Whole School Assembly
Sat 29 July10am-12 noon - Working Bee
Week 4 
Monday 31 JulyGrade 6 Confirmation Reflection Day
 7.30-8.30pm - P&F Meeting 
Wed 1 AugustPrep 100 Day Celebration
Thursday 2 Aug6.30-7.30pm - Grade 1/2 Parent/Child Workshop
Friday 3 AugNewsletter Day
 3pm - Wakakirri Whole School Performance
Week 5 
Monday 7 Aug7-8.30pm- S & T Architects Meeting re Master Plan
Tuesday 8 AugFeast of St.Mary MacKillop
 2.30pm - Mary MacKillop Prayer Service
Wed 9 Aug9am-9.45am - Classroom Helper Workshop
 6.30pm - 7pm - OLA Performing Arts Night
Thurs 10 Aug7-8.15pm - Starting School 2024: How your family can thrive
Friday 11 Aug2.30-3.30pm - Whole School Assembly


2023 Term Dates 


Term 3
Tuesday 11 July - Friday 15 September
Term 4

Tuesday 3 October - Thursday 14 December for Grade 6 students and 

                                        Friday 15 December for students Prep-Grade 5