Student Representative Council

Term 2 has been a busy time for the Student Representative Council (SRC) and the entire school community!
With students managing commitments like SACs and assessment tasks, concerts including Bands Night and Chamber Concert, Interschool Sports, as well as Year 10 and VCE Drama Performance events, we have all had to use our best teamwork and planning skills to deliver on SRC responsibilities. The team has done a lot of forward planning for Term 3, run the Student Forum and had significant discussions about student engagement and SRC participation, with everyone bringing their ideas and experience to the conversations.
Thanks you to the SRC students who have shown such support ad commitment to SRC this term. The team enjoyed a mid-year celebration this week, marking the end of a great semester!
Maya and Noah
Students gathered at a recent SRC Student Forum to share their ideas about student life at BSC. Participants joined tables to follow guided discussion points so as to get conversations started. These discussion topics included sustainability, wellbeing, student voice and more. There were great contributions from a range of students, and we thank them all for their participation.
The feedback gathered will be used to guide the SRC when planning activities and events, and when providing feedback to School Council, Parents' Association and
The student community will mark RUOK? Day on September 14, late next term. The theme will be (of course) YELLOW, with students enjoying a casual clothes day and asked to donate a gold coin for the privilege.
Any funds raised will go to good cause, and will be reported back to the community as soon as possible.
Planning and preparation for the BSC Twilight Market is in full swing, with the Events Committee & friends taking matters in hand!
We are so looking forward to hosting this important community event - so Save the Date now!
FRIDAY NOVEMBER 17 - 5pm to 8pm.
Just as last year, we are calling for Expressions of Interest from potential stallholders. If you or anyone you know would like to host a stall at the market, please complete the Expression of Interest form by July 7. All stallholders must complete this form to be considered for participation in the event.