Chamber Concert

Emily Palekis
Director of Music
The BSC Chamber Concert showcases the musical talent and teamwork skills of our students onstage.
Performers exercise their personal style, but in performing in groups they must work to find a way to combine their talents into one sound. This takes a lot of rehearsal (both individual and in ensemble) but provides a chance for students to pick up skills that are only honed when working together. Joining together to produce a performance is an exhilarating experience, completely unlike performing solo.
We use the Chamber Concert event to present a variety of musical styles - from classical to contemporary compositions. This lets our students exercise their versatility, widen their repertoire as well as caters to differing tastes in the audience. There is something for everybody!
Just as important as the onstage performances, the backstage team work to provide a seamless program – meeting lighting cues and managing sound and audio visual equipment. Again, the new Theatre Projection System worked a treat, we are learning new tricks each time we employ the system and our backstage teams are picking up some very handy skills in the process. Well done Team!
Click on the gallery to enlarge - Photography courtesy of CCP Media