VCE Drama

Performance Showcase

Tim Roach

Teacher - VCE Drama


The Year 11 and 12 VCE Drama Performance Showcase was an unforgettable event that showcased the array of dramatic and comedic talent and creativity of Drama students at Brunswick Secondary College. 


Students worked with the theme 'The Ravages of Time', where a group of experts gathered to create a final record of humanity's history as they received the news of the world's impending end.  Students were encouraged to consider the depth and variety of the human condition against the backdrop of an impending apocalypse. 


The students incorporated contrasting performance styles to convey different aspects of the human experience. Four groups, consisting of twelve Year 12 students and five Year 11 students, presented their works using the styles of Epic theatre, Greek theatre, Poor theatre, and Comedy. Each group skilfully employed a wide range of conventions to enhance their intended effect on the audience, using techniques such as alienation, breaking the fourth wall, and the use of multimedia elements to create a sense of detachment and critical reflection.  


'The Ravages of Time' as a whole showcased the versatility and skill of our drama students. They demonstrated a deep understanding of different performance styles and effectively utilized a range of conventions to create a captivating and emotionally resonant experience. The dedication and collaborative effort of the students were evident, as they seamlessly brought together contrasting styles and themes into a cohesive and thought-provoking production. 


As a drama teacher, I couldn't be prouder of the students' achievements. Their performances in 'The Ravages of Time' will be remembered as a testament to their talent, creativity, and ability to touch the hearts and minds of the audience. 


Click on the gallery to enlarge - Photography courtesy of CCP Media