

May our footsteps, on these ancient lands, 

remind us of creation and connectedness, in our search for truth.

May the Gum Tree, from its roots to its branches, 

remind us to dig deep and reach high, in our action for justice.

May the Eagle, who soars in the sky, 

remind us of the power, in our call for love.

May the expanse of the lands and seas, of the sky and stars, 

remind us of God’s timing in our faith in hope.

May the Holy three, Creator Spirit, Lord God, Papa Jesus, 

remind us of community.

So with grace, mercy, and peace, go in truth, justice, love and hope.

Across every generation, our Elders have played and continue to play, an important role and hold prominent place in our communities and families.


They are cultural knowledge holders, trailblazers, nurtures, advocates, teachers, survivors, leaders, hard workers and our loved ones.


Our loved ones who pick us up in our low moments and celebrate us in our high ones. Who cook us a feed to comfort us and pull us into line, when we need them too? They guide our generations and pave the way for us to take the paths we can take today. Guide us not only through generations of advocacy and activism, but in everyday life and how to place ourselves in the world. 


We draw strength from their knowledge and experience, in everything from land management, cultural knowledge to justice and human rights. Across multiple sectors like health, education, the arts, politics and everything in between, they have set many courses we follow.


The struggles of our Elders help to move us forward today. The equality we continue to fight for is found in their fight. Their tenacity and strength have carried the survival of our people. It is their influence and through their learnings that we must ensure that when it comes to future decision making for our people.


We pay our respects to the Elders we’ve lost and to those who continue fighting for us across all our Nations and we pay homage to them.


Bettrina Rooke | Indigenous Support

Sweet Jesus, your heart beats for the brokenhearted,

and you know their pain. You experienced loss when your friend Lazarus died,

and betrayal when your friends abandoned and rejected you in your darkest hours.

I ask you for relief and release right now in this time of grief.

I cry out to your heart, seeking comfort and consolation.


Take this present heartache and unite it

to your own for the good of others, especially _________________.


Ease my sorrow, and fill my heart with hope

and light to face another day. Amen.



Prayer for the Coming of the Light


Almighty God,

you have given to the peoples of

the Islands of the Torres Strait

the glorious light of the gospel of Christ:

mercifully grant that we may always walk in the light of his love,

and give us the strength and unifying power

of your Holy Spirit to spread that light

and to enlarge your kingdom in the hearts of all people.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever. Amen.



Aboriginal Our Father


You are our Father, You live in heaven,

We talk to You. Father You are good.

You are our Father, You live in heaven,

We talk to You. Father You are good.

We believe your Word, Father,

We are Your children, give us bread today.

We believe Your Word, Father,

We are Your children, give us bread today.

We have done wrong, we are sorry,

Teach us, Father, all about Your Word.

We have done wrong, we are sorry,

Teach us, Father, all about Your Word.

Others have done wrong to us,

And we are sorry for them, Father, today.

Others have done wrong to us,

And we are sorry for them, Father, today.

Stop us from doing wrong, Father,

Save us all from the evil one.

Stop us from doing wrong, Father,

Save us all from the Evil One.

(Repeat first verse)

We have been fortunate enough to have Enlighten Education in school running the Year 9 Community Day and Tomorrow Man/Woman in running the Year 10 Community Day. Thanks to all those students who entered into the spirit of these two days. Both days are opportunities for all of our students to engage with important topics that impact on all of society. I encourage all those who participated in the days to reflect further on those key messages and to take them into their own lives. We were also fortunate to have Tomorrow Man run an evening session for Fathers and Sons. Thanks to those who participated in this and I am sure you found it beneficial.

Our mufti appeal for Micah House was fantastic. The students responded generously to this appeal bringing in a significant amount of toiletry items to support those who are living rough in Wagga Wagga. We are looking at further opportunities to work with and support Micah House. This is a fantastic example of faith in action. As we are called in the letter of James that “faith without works is dead.” (James 2:26) Our support of such charities is one way that we can complete these works.


In week one of next term we'll also be having the Vinnies Winter Appeal sleepout on Thursday the 20th of July. This will be mainly Year 12 students as this is the first time we have done this at Kildare for a while. The students will be living out rough and will raise funds for the Vinnies Winter Appeal through a sponsorship card. Please support this if you can. This is another opportunity for our students to engage in works that support others in need. 


1st of July is the Coming of the Light which marks the arrival of Christianity to the Torres Strait Islanders. This is another opportunity for us to reflect on the history of interaction between the Christian message and the Indigenous cultures of Australia. In this Newsletter we have a prayer that acknowledges this important day for our Torres Strait Islander members of the community. Every year, on the first Sunday in July, Catholics come together to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday. It is an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the gifts of Australia’s First peoples to our Church, our country and our communities.


The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council has developed a resource to assist schools in celebrating the day as well as conducting activities to encourage further learning and exploration. The 2023 resources are titled A new life in Christ. Importantly, a youth activity has been developed that provides students with the space to explore the upcoming Referendum from a Catholic and moral point of view.


The resources and associated multimedia assets are available HERE.


There is also a prayer to the Sacred Heart in this newsletter which is an important Catholic feast that reminds us of the compassion and mercy that God has for each and everyone of us. His mercy has no limits.


Term Three we will start our RCIA programme for any students wishing to be baptised and receive First Holy Communion. This will run during homegroup time once a week for the duration of Term Three and part of Term Four. I would encourage any students who are interested in exploring their faith journey to engage with this. Wishing all our students and staff a refreshing term break. May we all return in Term Three safe and ready to learn.



Kieran Udy | Director of Faith and Mission