Assembly Snapshot

Friday 16 June Assembly

Hosted by Harriet and Nicholas

Student of the Week - Week 7

Fernando Prep B For showing such focus and attention when creating your toy as part of our Science Energy Unit. Congratulations Fernando!


Roman Year 1R For being persistent and determined to create a model using different materials for our FBI unit. Congratulations on your imaginative design. 


Francesca Year 2J For her consistent efforts to be a responsible learner and class member who is always organised, focused and committed to giving of her best.


Theodore Year 3A For his enthusiasm and hard work during learning time. 


Makeda Year 4McD For having a responsible attitude towards your learning. You always try your best and ask for help when needed. Keep up the great work!


Anakin Year 4McG For showing organisation of materials following the St Mary's School Norms at all times. Well done Anakin.


Olive Year 5M For taking responsibility for her learning by questioning, clarifying and ensuring she has everything she needs, in order to complete tasks effectively and efficiently. Keep it up, Olive!


Isabelle Year 6 For taking the personal responsibility to follow up her home learning and for completing it in her workbook in an organised and neat manner. 




Student of the Week - Week 8

Lheon Prep B For his outstanding leadership as our SRC this semester. Congratulations Lheon!


Ellie Prep B For her outstanding leadership as our SRC this semester. Congratulations Ellie!


Delphine Year 1R For closely following classroom instructions and for kindly offering to help other students. 


Eliana Year 2J For the responsible way she approaches all learning tasks, being organised, focused and committed to giving of her best.


Maylissa Year 3A For showing persistence and focus when completing set tasks. 


Olivia Year 4McD For always following expectations at St.Mary's and being a caring and responsible member of the class.


Nirvaan Year 4McG For working hard to focus on the task at hand and also lending a helping hand to his peers when needed. Well done Nirvaan. 


Poppy Year 5M For listening attentively and willingly assisting her peers and teachers, when the need arises. Much Appreciated, Poppy!