From the Deputy Principal 

  Mr Anthony Speranza

Dear families,


What a wonderfully successful Term we have all had.  I’m sure the children, staff and parents are all looking forward to a much deserved break.


I have really enjoyed running the morning soccer club this year, thank you everyone who dropped in on those mornings to participate.  Due to the anticipated weather of Term 3 the morning soccer club will not be running. If there are any parents interested in “kick starting” the club for Term 4 please get in touch with me.


I can highly recommend the Juventus Football Academy on Monday afternoon’s which has been popular and will be continuing in Term 3. Details are below, and is a great opportunity for students to learn skills from a “real” coach.


Thank you to all families for engaging with our Parent/Teacher Interviews to discuss the academic and social/emotional development of our students. Please get in touch with your classroom teacher if you have not been able to make an appointment time.  There will be an opportunity for Year 5 families to speak with Angela Mason once she returns from leave in Term 3.


Wishing everyone a safe and happy break ahead, we look forward to seeing everyone back for another bumper Term.


Extra-curricular clubs in Term 3

Soccer training

The Juventus Football Academy will continue training in Term 3 each Monday afternoon at 3:45pm. New and current players from Prep to Year 6 are invited to register for the 9 week program -

$190 for returning players and $250 for new players including the training uniform

Enquiries: 0421740888 or email




Taekwondo continues on Wednesday at 3:45pm. Open to all year levels, to join please contact Sophia on 0419 876 187.



Chess Club continues on Thursday at 11:10am (recess). Open to all year levels. $160 for the term, to join please contact Sharon on 0476 024 493.


Please see the community page on our newsletter for flyers.



Lug & Carrie electric cargo bike trials closing now



There are still a few slots left, so if you’ve been thinking of giving e-cargo bikes a try, or hoping to change up your morning school run, you can still sign up using this link for a free 4 week trial . Participants will be contacted soon and bikes will be on their way to households.