Primary Newsletter

It’s hard to believe we are into term 4 already. I’m sure we are all happy to be back to daylight savings, so that we can make the most of the spring weather, finally. This term always brings with it lots to do. We are making plans for the next year, whilst tying up what remains of this year.
Next week, we commence the swimming program at Yarra Swim School, so I remind you to complete the survey using the link I sent with my latest newsfeed. The information will help the swim teachers to group the students into like ability groups so that they can advance in their swimming skills. We felt that term 4 was a better time to run the program, as we move into the summer months ensuring the children have good water safety knowledge in place.
This week, our Year 5 and 6 students have been participating in the Let’s Talk about it Program presented by Life Education. They have completed modules on Identity, Successful Relationships, Puberty and for the Year 6s, Reproduction. Our presenter delivered a wonderful age-appropriate and informative program which enabled the students to feel more comfortable about the content involved in these topics. Please encourage dialogue if your child completed the program to ensure that they may have any further questions answered by you and open healthy conversations are able to be had for the future.
We have recently completed our leadership selection process for 2023 with the following students being successful in the roles.
College Captain: Milly Kilpatrick
House Captain Scarfe: Mitchell Crane
House Captain Carter: Charli Hanns
House Captain Shepherd: Leilani Rowan
House Captain Ramsay: Marley Eshun
I would like to commend all of the students who put themselves forward for these roles and encourage them to continue to challenge themselves and aspire to leadership in the future. There will be further roles such as student ambassadors and a team of environmental leaders up for grabs in the near future also.
Our students are remaining focused on their learning this term with the year 4,5,6 students working hard on constructing house models from their plans in their Design it, Create it, Build it unit of work. The year Prep and 1 students are exploring how things move in their physical sciences unit and the year 2 and 3 students are learning about forces in their Smooth Moves unit.
You will be receiving your children’s booklists for 2023 very soon. We ask that you ensure that you purchase all of the recommended requisites and send them to school with your child on the first day next year. The teachers will store any items not needed immediately so that when books get filled, pencils too short, glue sticks run out etc… they will have some there to use. This will save you having to purchase even more supplies throughout the year.
Those of you with Year 4 students moving into Year 5 next year need to start considering a device for them to use at school. Simone has some recommended laptops listed on the College website should you need any guidance with these.
Finally, don’t forget about our Halloween Dress up Day next Friday 28th October. It promises to be a lot of spooky fun. I know the teachers have some fun activities planned for the day. This will be a nice lead-in to the upcoming 4-day weekend for families.
Karen Butterworth - Primary Leader