David's Message

Dear Sunny Heights Community,


The warmer sunny days are kicking in at Sunshine Heights, and with these we are enjoying our time outside working on the Nugal-nganjin Garden. An incredibly huge thank to all the parents who came last weekend for our working bee; it was lovely to see so many different faces and of course so many helpful students as well! We got a bit mucky, but the weather held off for us and the school looked much better afterwards. Steve Hardman of our buildings and grounds committee is still really keen to hear about other jobs parents would like to see completed around the school, and when would be good for another working bee. 

Our Working Bee on Saturday 15th October
Our Working Bee on Saturday 15th October


The new Victorian Government Schools Agreement (VGSA) has come into effect, and with this a requirement to support additional planning, assessment and professional learning time for staff. In order to support this, our school will be adding a fifth specialist subject, which has been informed by a large amount of feedback during our school review about curriculum from parents, students and staff. We are incredibly excited to share that next year STEM will form an additional subject at Sunshine Heights, and will feature coding, robots, design thinking and deeper learning about the Sciences. Lots more information about this will be out by the end of the year!


We are trepidatious - we've been cancelled on twice now - but the builders have assured us they will be here on Monday 24th October to begin work on the In2Play Inclusive Schools Playground at the front of the school. This will mean that students will need to go through the middle part of the school near the Wellbeing Room (right of the school office) to get to the prep and grade 1/2 line up. We can't wait for this space to develop and become available for our students! You will also have seen the new shade sails have been completed giving us more space for play in the middle area. As ever though, please make sure your child has their Sun Safe hat with them each day, to keep us SunSmart!



I know you will all be feeling worried about Miss Francine whilst she is away, she let us know yesterday that she is out of her operation and starting the healing process. We are sending her our warmest wishes and we hope she may be able to pop in before the end of term to wish a fond farewell to our year 6 students. In the meantime Miss Gail is ready and available to support with any wellbeing concerns. Thank you to the many students who have been writing Miss Francine Get Well Soon cards - we will take photos of these to send to her so she keeps smiling over the coming weeks!


Best wishes, 


David and the Sunny Heights Team