From the Principals Desk
Debutante Ball 2022
What a fabulous night and what a special venue the Woolshed is for a night of glitz and glamour! Our students and their partners from Greater Shepparton Secondary College and Notre Dame certainly did us proud. There were certainly a few tears as our students were presented and many laughs as they danced and sang the night away!
Huge thanks go to all who helped this event come to fruition, and of course a special mention to all the wonderful parents and carers who supported their children to experience this momentous occasion .
New Build Update!
There has been a lot of work going on behind the scenes regarding our the plans for Stage One of our new school. We are very excited to welcome you to a parent session to be held at school on Thursday October 13th at 10am, to share these with you. This session will be run by the Victorian Schools Building Authority and our Architect from Perkins, Kylie Freeman ( yes that's right there is another Kylie Freeman!). So please save the date! More details will follow early next term.
Fun Run
Our school Fun Run was a huge success! Many thanks to Matt Gill for his organisation. Prizes need to be ordered by the close of business today, and they will be delivered early next term.
End of Term
Thank you for your ongoing support of our school during Term Three. We wish you a happy and safe holiday.
We seem to be fast tracking to the end of the year! Please remember that our Sun Smart Policy requires all students to wear a brimmed hat (not a cap) when outside during Term Four, so please send one in for the first day.