The Arts

Sandhurst Arts on Show
In Week 10 our Year 4/5/6 students with Mrs Moffat and Diane went to Catholic College Wodonga to participate in the Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd event, Sandhurst Arts on Show. Our senior class have been practising their dances for the best part of the year and it was wonderful to see their confidence grow and many students challenge their comfort zones.
The below are the professional photos taken of our SHS students on the day. We are still awaiting the official recording of their performance, but when we do receive it, we look forward to sharing with you all.
MacKillop Art Exhibition
These wonderful pieces of artwork are off to participate in the MacKillop Art Exhibition, another initiative of Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd. These wonderful artworks were created with the help of Miss Lockwood in Specialist Art classes in the last couple of weeks of term.