Principal's Report

As another term draws to a close, the past few weeks have continued to provide our students with some of the wider experiences of school life that have been part of Brentwood tradition for many years. The return of these events also signals a return to a closer semblance to life pre-covid and has given our students opportunities to engage and enjoy a rich and diverse range of extra curricula activities. It is these experiences that are the fabric of school life that they will carry with them beyond their years here. These have included HERD week celebrations including the much-awaited return of Music Madness, City Experience, the Duke of Ed Rafting Camp, Junior School Debating and the Central Australia Camp. 


Year 11 Central Australia Camp  

On Saturday September 10, our excited Year 11 students finally departed for their long-awaited Central Australia tour, which was postponed having been originally planned for earlier this year. As of today, the group will have covered more than 2000kms just over half the distance to Darwin and will be enjoying some very warm weather as they head towards Katherine Gorge, Kakadu and Darwin in the final leg of their journey. Each of these locations a reminder of how fortunate we are to live in such a beautiful country. Our students will share in experiences that will be permanently etched into their memories as they learn about their significant cultural and environmental value.  

The camp is due to return during the holidays on Saturday 24 September. I would like to especially acknowledge and thank the teachers and staff involved in organising and leading this camp.  It is a tremendous effort and commitment of their time to provide our students with an opportunity they will never forget.   



Naplan 2022 Results 

Our Naplan results this year have given us once again much to celebrate with students performing above state, like schools and the network in several areas in both years 7 and 9. 

This was the first year that all Naplan testing was undertaken online across the state and that the current cohort tested had done the tests for several years. 

In particular, we would like to highlight our writing data at Year 9, as evidence of how the collective focus and efficacy of Brentwood teachers over the past few years has led to improved student outcomes with our highest number of students being ranked in the top two bands for this test for our school and also outperforming all of the other comparable measures. 

These results are a culmination of everyone's efforts in progressing the learning of students especially during periods of remote learning and supporting and extending students through initiatives such as the Victorian High Achievers Program, Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy Support initiative and the Tutor Learning Initiative. Additionally, the work of teachers in Professional Learning Communities and faculties, many of which have literacy based 'crumbs', have also contributed to significant growth in every criteria of the writing task. 

Students will receive their Naplan certificates in the mail over the term break. Please note that in 2023, NAPLAN will be held during Term 1 from Wednesday 15 March to Monday 27 March


Sonja Ardley  

Associate Principal