
This week in Science:

The science focus for all year levels for the first half of this term is water. Students will be thinking more deeply about water and the importance of it for life. They will investigate the amazing properties of water, uses for water and how we can look after our water supply. Afterall, the earth is not getting any more water, so we need to care for what we have.


In lessons students examined water droplets. They noticed how water droplets can hold their shape, how water molecules are attracted to each other and how a water bubble can magnify objects just like a magnifying lens (due to its similar shape).


Students predicted and tested how many drops of water they could drop onto a 5c and 10c coin before it spilt. 

Students dropped water onto baking paper, seeing how small and how close they could get the droplets without them joining together.


National Water Week is happening on 17th – 23rd October. The theme this year is ‘Our Water Stories’. Perhaps your family can think about the importance of water to you and how you could help manage water related issues.