Stronger Smarter

In the lead up to RUOK? Day in Week 8, students have been learning strategies to deal with their worries. 


We read the story ‘The Huge Bag of Worries’ by Virginia Ironside, which follows the journey of a girl called Jenny who has a big bag of worries. No matter how hard Jenny tries to get rid of this big bag it just keeps following her everywhere. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger. Jenny finds it hard to sleep and it even starts affecting her schoolwork. Jenny meets an old lady who helps her sort through her worries. 


Students were then tasked with helping Mrs Riles sort through her big bag of worries. In doing so, Mrs Riles realised like Jenny she was carrying worries that she needn't be and just by talking about them made her feel a little more at ease.


Students also practiced a self-reflection activity that involved them writing down their own worries and identifying people they could talk to about those worries.

RUOK? Day should be a focus every day.


Remember to check in on those around you. Listen to what they have to say.

Encourage them to seek help if needed and remember to check in with them.


Taryn Riles I Stronger Smarter