Principal's Message

Keeping children at the heart and centre ...

Principal's Message

Welcome to Week 7! 


Our children are wonderful! I guess you all already knew that though! Over the last couple of weeks our children have been out and about attending camps, excursions and representing our School at various events, such as, Remembrance Day. They have been magnificent and have returned to school with a sense of pride and deeper connection to their peers, community and staff as a result. It is not uncommon, particularly towards the end of the year as people get tired, that we might hear a niggle or complaint about someone misbehaving or misrepresenting themselves and the school in a negative light. This hasn't been the case. We have been so proud of our students and the way they are upholding our School Values and look forward to everyone continuing to finish the next 5 or so weeks strongly.


Sometimes, as a teacher, parent or school leader you can feel like a bit of a nag or think you sound like a broken record when you repeat key messages over and over again. For example, 'do your homework,' 'use your manners,' 'eat your snack/breakfast,' 'wear your hat outside,' 'walk quietly through the hallways' etc. But, imagine if we didn't? Imagine if we only said it once at the start of the year and let the student's go without any reminders or support to 'do the right thing' for the rest of the year? It would pretty quickly turn to chaos. It is the same in the home when it comes to doing the housework. If we didn't continually wash the dishes, sweep the floor, wash our clothes and tidy up around the home our living environments would soon be too unpleasant and too unhygienic to live in. (Don't even get me started on the weeds in the garden at the moment).


Let's continue to uphold our high standards and expectations of students (and each other) now and for the remainder of the year so we can ensure that students continue to feel safe, happy, connected and achieve at school. We have 5 weeks of learning to go and together we can ensure that they are 5 of their best yet.


Remembrance Day

Our Year 6 students respectfully participating in the Barwon Heads RSL Remembrance Day Service, representing their school, and wider community with pride. Lest We Forget. 

Family Support Services

Last week I was privileged to attend the Regional Principal Conference at Skilled Stadium, alongside Ms Curtain. It was a great opportunity to meet up with other colleagues from different schools to discuss how they were navigating Term 4 in their schools and ways we could support one another. We left feeling confident we were on track and a sense of gratitude to work within the community we do. As a Principal/Assistant Principal, it can often be a lonely job, in the sense that not many other people in the school are aware of all the intricacies of your role. That is not a complaint; I consider myself to be extremely fortunate and privileged to have the job I do and wouldn't trade it for the world. 


In many ways, I liken the role to being a parent; unless you actively discuss your situation, your children, relationships or family dynamics with other parents or support groups, there may be times where you can feel isolated or questioning if what you are doing is the best way forward for you and your children. Parenting can be as hard and challenging as much as it is wonderful and rewarding. And, in many instances, as soon as you speak of your experiences to a trusted other, you find yourself laughing about situations that only moments or days before were stressful and hard. 


Over the last few weeks, I have had many meetings with families and know of many more who have reached out to other members of staff for support at home. I applaud these parents for recognising that things weren't tracking as well as they could be for them and/or their families and for seeking help. I encourage all parents to reach out to one another, especially at this time of year, and continue to reach beyond your social network if you are experiencing challenges in the home. There is help out there and you are not alone. 


Some families need family services support when they are experiencing difficulties that impact on their parenting and family life. Child FIRST (Child and family information, referral and support teams) are the entry point into family services. Child FIRST teams are located in sites across Victoria and is delivered in your local area by community service organisations. Anyone can refer to Child FIRST. Find the number below:

Greater Geelong1800 312 820

There is also a Parent Line telephone counselling service available to parents and carers of children aged from birth to 18 years throughout Victoria. Parentline operates from 8am to 12midnight, 7 days a week, open every day of the year. Call 13 22 89. Translation service available.


COVID Cases 

We have had a growing number of COVID cases over the last two weeks. Please remain vigilant of any coughs and sniffles within your household and complete a RAT test should any symptoms present. We may be fatigued by 2-3 years of COVID yet, doing our bit to adopt covid-safe practice will help ensure those who are immunocompromised are protected as much as possible. 


I wish everyone a happy and healthy week ahead. 


Warm regards


Carmen Britnell

Acting Principal