General Information
Public Education Forums
Two of our students were invited to attend the Public Education Forum on Tuesday 8th November. Alix and Naavya were thrilled to join many other students from other state schools to discuss topics such as student wellbeing, student agency, the curriculum and preparing for life after school.
The event was hosted by Professor Martin Westwell, Chief Executive for the Department for Education. Students had the opportunity to hear various presentations, share their thinking with others, explore statewide data and consider ways to collect feedback from their peers at school.
World Teachers' Day
We recognised and celebrated our teaching staff last week! Thank you to our fabulously talented and dedicated teaching staff for their commitment to our students every day. We enjoyed a wonderful lunch together last Friday and we even had a visit from our local MP, Nadia Clancy, who presented the teachers with a beautiful cake!
Reception enrolments
Is your child starting school in 2023? Do you have a child ready to start school at the beginning of the year? Please ensure you enrol your child within the next few weeks. Forms are available on our website:
We look forward to welcoming you to our school community.
Please call the office on 8276 5366 for any enrolment enquiries.
Reception Transition mornings are starting on Wednesdays from 9th November.
We have recently revised our school uniform prices.
Please see below for the current price list:
We now also have navy shorts and skorts (a combination of a short and skirt) available for purchase.
Finance Matters
Re: Materials & Services Charges 2023 - Notice
In accordance with government Administrative Instructions and Guidelines issued by The Department for Education relating to the Materials and Services Charges for 2023, please see below proposed "Notice of Charges" for Reception - Year 6.
The "Notice of Charges" provides a breakdown of actual Materials and Services Charges.
Clovelly Park Primary School is now officially notifying parent/caregivers that the Materials and Services Charges for 2023 will be presented to the Governing Council’s meeting to be held on Tuesday 29th November 2022 at 7.00pm for discussion and approval.
Accordingly, parent/caregivers are invited to attend the meeting as they are to all Governing Council meetings. However voting is restricted only to elected members of the Governing Council.
If you are interested in attending please advise the front office by Friday Thursday 24th November 2022.
In Lieu of attendance at the meeting, parents can express their views in writing to the Chairperson and leave it at the school office prior the meeting.
Parent/caregivers are also advised the Materials and Services Charges cover only essential curriculum requirements. There may be additional costs for events including excursions, performances or camps throughout the year.
If parents/caregivers have any questions please refer them to the Business Manager, Cathy Wisdom on (08) 8276 5366.