Discovery Centre


Selamat siang!


Terima kasih to our wonderful Foundation students and families for your ongoing support and a fantastic week of remote learning! We are so excited to be back on site Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and can’t wait to enjoy some face-to-face learning in our classrooms again. Last week, an email was sent to each family on Sentral notifying you of a time for your child’s one-on-one assessment during the remote learning program on Thursday and Friday over the next two weeks. Please make sure to check your messages and confirm the date and time with your child’s teacher. 


Over the last week in literacy sessions students have had the opportunity to write a letter to their teacher to tell us what they are excited and/or nervous about when returning to school. Overwhelmingly students indicated that they are excited to return to school with their friends and play on the new junior playground. This week, students have also worked on their handwriting skills and practiced their Magic 100 Words through various games and activities. 

100 Magic Words - Ava
Handwriting about Flags - Malia
Library with Mrs Smaller
100 Magic Words - Ava
Handwriting about Flags - Malia
Library with Mrs Smaller


In Mathematics, students have worked on place value by making bundles of tens and ones to make and say a range of different two and three digit numbers. Students did an amazing job of making their bundles and using them throughout the week to develop their number skills. On Friday, students were given the opportunity to show their creativity by using their bundles to make ‘place value’ animals and did a fantastic job of coming up with some wonderful creations.    

Place Value Animals - Yvon
Place Value Animal - Abby
How many bundles and sticks were used all together - Glenn
Students showing the breakdown of their bundles and sticks - Georgie
Place Value Animals - Yvon
Place Value Animal - Abby
How many bundles and sticks were used all together - Glenn
Students showing the breakdown of their bundles and sticks - Georgie


Throughout the school, we have an emphasis on Wellbeing, particularly during such difficult times. Whilst students have indicated their excitement to return to school, some students have expressed some anxiety around returning. The fantastic video featuring Mrs Streitberger and Mr Shaw was aimed at reassuring students of the process of returning to school. Students in FD were excited to see their classroom feature and to see that it looks the same as last time they were there. 

In our daily check-ins this week we also focused on returning to school by sharing in a snack together, having a school supplies scavenger hunt and wearing our uniforms to our meet on Friday. We hope each of these activities have eased students’ concerns and that they are feeling excited and confident to return this week. 


This is an overview for the next few weeks in Foundation. We will be conducting a slightly adapted Remote Learning program on Thursday and Friday during this time. There is additional information coming that further outlines the tasks and expectations of these days. Please keep an eye out on your child's Seesaw on Wednesday afternoon for these details.


We look forward to another wonderful week,


Miss Tossell, Mrs Martin and Miss Henwood


  • Return to school Monday - Wednesday
  • Remote Learning and one-on-one assessment Thursday and Friday
  • Please check Sentral regularly for updates around school news and events
  • Hats are worn when back onsite
  • Please send a brain food snack with your child to school to eat mid-morning


Student Voice

Here are some of the student’s back to school thoughts:

  • "I can’t wait to go to school because I can see my friends" - Linus
  • "I like school because I get to learn lots of Indonesian words" - Georgie
  • "I like school because I feel happy to see my friends" - Glenn
  • "I can’t wait to play on the playground" - Ishaan

Pupil of the Week

FD: Ishaan T - 

For demonstrating a love of learning when creating a learning goal and personal goal for Term 4. Ishaan you thought deeply about what you can do to continue to grow as a learner. Excellent work!


FH: Max C -

For demonstrating perseverance and your love of learning when learning your Magic 100 Words. It was wonderful to see you practising your Golden words and Green words during Remote Learning! Super efforts Max!


FJ: Nimrat M -

For demonstrating a love of learning and perseverance throughout all of your writing activities. You have been working so hard to practise your writing goals, by using spaces between words, using lowercase letters and writing the sounds you can hear in words. Keep up the fantastic, hard work Nimrat!