Principal's Message

Term 4 Week 3

Welcome back Junior School

Our Foundation students started back today. It's been so great to see them all settling in so well. We look forward to the 1/2 students coming in on Thursday.

We will also have our Year 5/6 students coming in on Friday since the restrictions have changed. They will then attend next Thursday 28th and 29th Friday .

Parent Night: Strategies to Support Parents

We have engaged Karen from Peaceful Kids to deliver a session for families - covering strategies to support everyone's mental health. Please see more information in Important Information.

 Zoom Link: 


The return to school starts, messages for Foundation and Year 1/2 students on what to expect and some reminders. 

Supporting primary school children in their return to onsite learning: The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne

Do you have questions about the safety and logistics of a COVID-safe return to school?

A Royal Children's Hospital panel features experts in COVID-safe practices for children, mental health and educational development. This webinar answers many questions parents have about Prep to Year Two returning to onsite learning. 

Stay home if you are feeling unwell

Key behaviours required for reducing COVID-19 transmission risk include staying home when unwell, performing regular hand hygiene, and where possible pursuing strategies to support physical distancing. 

A reminder that if you, your child, or a family member develops symptoms of COVID-19, you should get tested at a COVID-19 testing facility and stay home. Each family should regularly check the list of public exposure sites in Victoria, and if anyone in the family has attended a site at the times listed, follow the instructions given. 

If your child or a family member tests positive to COVID-19 you must contact the school immediately via phone 98781730 and/or outside office hours via the school email address at 

Early return for 5/6 students

Along with the early easing of restrictions announced on Sunday, there have been some updates to the staggered return to school. For primary schools, the only year level that is affected is 5/6. The 5/6 students will have an extra day onsite on Friday 22nd October. The timetable remains the same apart from this change. Please refer to the table below for more information.

ipad use at school

As we prepare for all our students to be back learning in the classroom, we need to ensure that ipads, while at school, are used for education purposes only. We understand during remote learning, many families may have used their ipads for recreation and gaming. In order to support students in Years 3-6 to differentiate between the appropriate use of ipads at school we ask families to help us by ensuring the following;

  • All apps are in a folder labelled ‘Home’ and ‘School’. MPRPS School App list attached
  • All notifications are turned off while at school
  • The child’s photo, first name and class to be on locked screen for easy identification
  • All ipads are in a protective case
  • Ipads need to be fully charged before coming to school each day. They will not be charged at school
  • Ipads are updated to the latest software version

The following Apple Support YouTube clip provides some tips on using parental controls on your child's device.

 In class, teachers will review the expectations around ipad use and the Acceptable User Agreement. By working together with families to support students with their device use, we aim to have a smooth transition back to school. 

Back to school clips

The teachers have put together some quick reminders for students as they transition back to school. Check out the following clips:



Years 3-6