Icarus Community Report

Issue 11

5/6 Icarus report


It is hard to believe it is Term 4! 

Icarus teachers were so pleased with the seamless way 5/6 students transitioned back to onsite learning after their period learning remotely. We are also proud that the 5/6 students are leading the way by correctly wearing face masks in class, sanitising their hands and practicing social distancing. They are wonderful leaders for the rest of the students in our school! 

Students wearing masks and practicing Covid safety
Students wearing masks and practicing Covid safety



Icarus 5/6 students have been learning more about shapes and angles. They have made nets of 3D shapes and identified which have edges, faces and vertices. Next, they looked at how some shapes tessellate together and they created their own stunning tessellation artworks! They further challenged themselves to draw symmetrically (ensuring both sides are exactly the same) and created Tangram images with geometric shapes. 


We were impressed with their skills finding angles around the classroom and then identifying whether they were acute, obtuse, right, straight, reflex or a full revolution. Students are becoming confident using their protractors to gain a precise measure of the degrees of angles.

Angles in the classroom
Angles in the classroom



In Reading, students have been looking at an author's purpose for writing a text (such as to entertain, inform, advise, etc). They have also been practicing the skill of clarifying unknown words. 


Icarus students tried their hand at writing a free verse poem to commemorate Remembrance Day on the 11th of November. Teachers were blown away by their effort and creativity! A selection of these fantastic poems are on display in our school office.


SEL (Social and Emotional Learning)

Teachers have already handed out quite a few of our new 'Cares Tickets' that recognise students following school values (caring for self, others, learning and school.) 

Students have been proactive in creating posters to display around the school to encourage other students to adhere to Covid-safe behaviour. 



Students have taken to this term's inquiry topic ('Why do people work?') with great enthusiasm. It is especially appropriate as 5/6 students move towards high school years and start considering their own potential career options. A highlight so far has been the array of guest speakers that students have met via Google Meetings. They have heard from a member of the Australian Defence Force, a tour guide and a lawyer.  Students asked thoughtful questions and came away with a better understanding of what these roles involve. 

Students have also busy with their final Inquiry project of designing, and marketing, a product of their own. So far we have some budding entrepreneurs, with creative product ideas such as a voice-activated pencil case and a lip balm that changes flavours every few minutes! They were able to present their inventions at our Shark Tank showcase on Wednesday 24th November, attended by Pete and Daniel. It was a wonderful day and students did a fantastic job presenting their idea in front of their class.



Icarus teachers would like to thank parents for reminding students to come to school with a mask, hat and water bottle. We also greatly appreciate parents/guardians reminding students to complete their home reading every evening. We recommend 20 - 30 minutes of reading each night, preferably aloud, to improve fluency. 


Teachers and students are looking forward to farewelling our amazing Grade 6 students at a school graduation ceremony that will be held onsite in the school gym. 


Kind regards, 


5/6 Icarus teachers


Lisa, Paul, Amber and Ainsley