Principal  Message

Lock-down 6.0 continued...

Hello everyone,

We have had a busy week as we begin to transition back to school fulltime, with one change to the timetable, having grades 5 & 6 here today.  We have enjoyed the noise, laughter, games and interactions with the students and the teachers have thoroughly enjoyed being able to teach face to face again.  While our teachers did a great job with the remote program (and still are), there is nothing quite the same as being in your classroom with your students.


We have had very few tears, but some very tired preps by the end of Wednesday. Our Grade 1/2's have settled back in so quickly, expressing their delight at being back at school. Grade's 5 & 6 quickly reconnected with their peers today and enjoyed doing collaborative activities that allowed them to work together. We missed the amazing  3/4 cohort but look forward to seeing them on Tuesday next week.


The timetable for next week is as follows (unless a change is announced over the weekend):

Preps - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Grade 1/2 - Thursday, Friday

Grade 3/4 - Tuesday, Wednesday

Grade 5/6 - Thursday, Friday

The actual date we all return fulltime, has not changed at this stage.  Friday 5th November being when we will have all students all day, everyday. When we return full time we may have to put some protocols in place to ensure social distancing at drop off and pick up, but we don't anticipate having to do staggered start and finish times.



Class placement for 2022


We are in the middle of planning for 2022 and looking at our numbers and possible class structures to determine the best fit for our students.  I know you might be feeling anxious about 2022, given the unsettled year the students have had. Pleased be assured that all discussions are driven by what is best for our students within the parameters of student enrolments for each level. We want the same outcome as you, which is for your child to have a great year in their 2022 class. 


I have attached our Class Placement Policy and we aim to be as transparent as possible during this process.  Our students will be asked in Week 5 to select the names of 5 students they think will have a positive impact on their experiences and learning next year.  Your child is guaranteed at least one child from that list. If for some reason this is not possible, we will consult with the parents before making any decisions.


If there are parent requests to be made, please make them directly to me by the end of October. You can email me directly at 

As per the policy, please indicate the education and/or emotional reasons you believe it will benefit your child. Whilst we consider parent request, we cannot guarantee it will be granted.  I will contact any families to discuss further if this is the case.

As always, please contact me if you have questions or are unclear about anything as the open and transparent dialogue between school and families is an essential element of our students educational success.  



Have a great 1st weekend out of lockdown. 

Take Care,
