Multiage–Celebrating Learning

Multi-age at Home


The Multiage class have continued their home schooling with daily zoom sessions and home learning packs. The Zoom sessions include some morning warm up exercises, some discussion about the day’s work as well as some videos and fun quiz games and activities. We have also enjoyed keeping up with the progress of the Collin’s St Falcons and their newly  hatched Eyases.  The number of students vary according to the day but we all enjoy catching up with each other and end up having a few laughs which seems to be the most important thing at the moment. One of the weekly highlights is the Performing Arts session with Lisa where the students get to dance their cares away for a short while.


We have celebrated some birthdays online as well as Footy Day at the end of last Term, and we will finish this week with a final “Party” Zoom on Thursday to celebrate the amazing efforts of all the students before returning to school.

As part of their work at home the students have done some mapping activities of their bedroom as well as a Bird’s Eye View Diaorama, and some wellbeing activities such as a “Things to look forward to Jar”.


There is great anticipation in getting back to see friends and in particular we are all looking forward to getting back to Thornbury as soon as the guidelines permit!