PLT News...

Year 4 

In Year 4, we have made a positive start to Term 2. Students have enjoyed getting straight into learning after the school holidays, and exploring new topics in all areas of the curriculum.  This term, History is at the forefront of our Inquiry topic.  We have been researching Australian History and how it impacts our present life.  This has been demonstrated through our literacy subjects, as we have unpacked Dreamtime stories, and have deeply looked at character biographies from the First Fleet.  Year Four students have even used these biographies to create characters in their Narratives.  In Maths, students have been exploring addition and subtraction as vertical equations, we have looked at various ways that we measure things, and have even begun practicing our multiplication skills.  Students have especially enjoyed focusing on a specific multiplication goal and taking these home to revise with their families, in their Home Learning books.  The Year 4 teachers are so impressed with what our students have achieved so far, and we cannot wait to see what goals they will achieve in the next coming weeks. 


Year 1

We have had a terrific Term 2 so far in the Year One area. The Year One’s have been learning about different characters and retelling stories in Reading.  We have also been learning about what to do when we get stuck on a word when reading. 

We have been asking ‘What makes sense?’ and looking carefully using our eagle eye to make predictions about what the tricky word might be.  Flippy the Dolphin also came to visit to teach us about trying different vowel sounds and Skippy the Frog taught us to skip the word, read the rest of the sentence and think about what word best fits.  Can you work out what this word might be? 

Make sure you look carefully at the first letter that is covered, read the rest of the sentence and use the picture to think about what would make sense. 

Skippy the Frog
Grace and Mia 1B with their paddlepop Skippy the Frogs
Skippy the Frog
Grace and Mia 1B with their paddlepop Skippy the Frogs

In Writing, we have been learning about opinions and thinking about if we agree or disagree. We have been learning to write Expositions about our favourite pet, our favourite foods and our favourite sport! Here is some of our writing about our favourite pet. 

Cats are the Perfect Pet by Hania 1D
Dogs are the Best Pets by Kobi 1A
The Perfect Pet by Aish 1D
Cats are the Perfect Pet by Hania 1D
Dogs are the Best Pets by Kobi 1A
The Perfect Pet by Aish 1D

Finally, in Maths, the Year One’s have been learning how to skip count by 5’s and 10’s. We

Indy and Lenny 1D
Indy and Lenny 1D

 have been looking at the patterns that happen to the numbers when skip counting and we have been practising lots of different songs. We have also been practising making, writing and ordering numbers using tens and ones. 


Please make sure you continue to read with your child every single night. Help them to be word detectives by carefully looking at the beginning letter of any tricky words and making predictions of words it could be that have the same beginning sound. Looking at the picture for clues, reading the rest of the sentence and asking “What would make sense?” can also help support your child. Some words cannot be easily sounded out, so encouraging your child to use many different reading strategies is a fantastic way to develop their reading skills. 

Please remember that your child needs to bring their reader, book bag and diary every day so they can change their reader and so their teacher can check how many nights of reading have been completed 😊 

Thank you, 

The Year One Team.