From the Principal

This Sunday, known as Palm Sunday, brings us to one of the most important events in our liturgical calendar. This week we hear of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem adoringly greeted by crowds who lay palms as he rode into the city, yet, then, Luke's lengthy Gospel tells the story of betrayal, intense suffering and ultimately the 'Passion of Jesus' as we witness his crucifixion and death. 


We are invited to spend this next week with Jesus, to be present as we reflect on his suffering for us and the ways in which we can be Veronica who provides some soothing relief and comfort to Jesus on the road to Calvary. How do we reach out to those in need in our world? How do we make sure we honour Jesus' ultimate sacrifice? 


We have welcomed the news this week that many of the refugees held in detention across Australia have been released, the fight however must continue to free those still being detained and to ensure we as a country honour our commitment to an open society that welcomes the marginalised and vulnerable. Some members of the Killester Community will be joining the Palm Sunday Refugee Rally to lend their voices to the thousands of others who reflect on the message of Jesus this weekend by railing for action against injustice. 


Parents are reminded to continue to email the College at over the holidays if your daughter tests positive to COVID-19, this ensures we keep an accurate count of infection numbers at the school and provides information regarding return to school dates. Please note that staff will be involved in two days of strategic planning and professional development at the commencement of Term 2, students will not commence classes until Thursday April 28. 


As the term draws to a close I thank all staff, students and parents for the way they have managed the unsettling and, at times, tiring nature of this term. It would be remiss of us not to acknowledge that a return to face to face learning for the first full term in two years has presented some challenges. The staff, students and parents of Killester have however managed these challenges with grace and dignity and have always had at the heart of their actions a desire to be the best version of themselves.


Our beautiful Easter Liturgy this afternoon was a fitting and memorable way to end the term, I thank Mr Peter O'Neill, Ms Jenna Cronin and the many students who were involved in the preparation and moving delivery of the Easter story.


I extend my prayers to all of our families for this coming Easter season and I look forward to a settled and rested return to Term 2. 


Sally Buick
