Senior School

Over the past week COVID-19 has once again made its presence felt in our community, with significant numbers of our older students testing positive or becoming household contacts. In this context I encourage parents to speak with their children about the importance of the simple safety measures we have all learned over the past couple of years e.g. sanitising hands and avoiding sharing food and drinks. Parents are also reminded to please keep children home should they show even the mildest cold and flu symptoms and to make use of the government-provided RAHT tests should there be specific concerns. 


Year 12 students are congratulated on their perseverance through their first major assessment block this week, particularly so several in the context of illness and isolation. As a school we have been reminded of the importance of persevering through challenges over recent years, and recognise the resilience of our students and our families! 


Finally, thank you to the many parents who have joined teachers over the past three weeks for Year 7-11 Parent/Teacher Interviews. We know that the best outcomes (both academic or otherwise) are achieved in the context of effective partnerships between home and school, and as such we ask our teachers to commit to regular communication with parents about the learning of our students. If you were not able to take part in Parent/Teacher Interviews for any reason but would welcome the chance to engage with your children’s teachers, please contact your child’s Tutor. As the primary contact and liaison between home and school, Tutors will be pleased to gather and provide feedback on children’s progress or to facilitate contact with specific class teachers for more significant questions. 


Mr Owen Laffin

Deputy Head - Head of Senior School